Interview #2

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(Btw this is based off of a Tik
Tok I saw)

-Midoriya and Bakugou are being interviewed-

Midoriya: -smiles- I'm just going to put this out there, Katsuki has actually shed actual tears because his character is constantly insulting me.

Bakugou: -laughing- I'm not even gonna deny it, it's happened far to many times for me to deny it.

-Clip starts-


Midoriya: -backs up-

Director: And scene!

Bakugou: -runs and hugs Midoriya-

Midoriya: Katsuki, what-

Bakugou: -crying a little bit- I'm so sorry!

Midoriya: Bakugou, it's acting-

Bakugou: I know, but you're my best friend!

Midoriya: -sighs and caves in- It's okay, Katsuki, it's okay.

-Clip ends-

Midoriya: -still smiling- The makeup artists don't get paid enough for how much they have to touch up his makeup in particular.

Bakugou: -still laughing- I feel VERY ATTACKED right now!
I actually think this one isn't that bad. I hope you enjoyed this.

Adios guys, gals, and non-binary pals.
Plus Ultra ✌🏽

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