Henry runs to the castle to see Carlos with a box of chocolates in his hands staring at the room where they fought Maleficent and Queen of Hearts

But for just one day let's only think about

Henry: Carlos?

Carlos : What if Maleficent was right? Sooner or later the villians are gonna come to rule
We are all gonna die here!

We could think about war
We could think about fighting
We could think long lost friends we wish we were inviting.
We could think about Maleficent and what she swore
or we could think about the lizard she became so that she can't hurt
any- they can't hurt anymore

Henry grabbed Carlos wrist and started running him back to the wedding.

We can think about joy
We could think about pain
We could think about sunshine
We could think about rain

There's an awful a lot of awful things we could be thinking of!
But for just one day let's only think about

Just one day let's only think about

Just one day let's only think about

[Mal and Carlos]
Just one day let's only think about


Evie Carlos and Jay takes a seat at the front as all the other people watching the wedding comes in. Henry takes a seat in a chair by the front. Ben is standing next to beast since he's Beasts best man. Henry takes out his guitar and plays a wedding tune. Belle starts to walk down the Isle Mal is walking beside her Lonnie is the flower girl throwing down flowers. Belle then meets beast they grab hands and face each other. Ben then comes and faces them.

Ben: Dearly beloved Humans Faries Genies big and small. We are gathered here today to celebrate Beast and Belle. Two of my favorite people. Now it's time for you two to talk about your love.  

Beast: Belle you saw me for who I really am. You looked past the monster and saw the human. You were and still are one of the kindests person I know.

Belle: Beast, my future used to look like one single, obvious stream, unbending 'til the end of time. In an instant, you pulled me from that destiny, and opened my eye to an explosion of infinite possible futures, streaking across space and time, altered and obliterated by the smallest force of will.

Beast stares at her in Awe and confusion

Henry: Dang Belle

Belle: What I mean is, you changed my life. And then, I changed your life. And now, we change our lives.

Ben: Jay the rings

Carlos: Jay that's your cue.

Jay has a few tears coming down his face because of how beautiful there relationship is. Jay gets up and gives Ben the rings. Belle puts Beasts ring on his finger. Beast puts Belle ring on her finger.

Ben: Beast, Do you take this lady to have and to hold through better or worse?

Beast: I do

Ben: And do you-

Belle: Yes

Ben: You didn't let me finish.

Belle: Sorry. I'm just very excited.

Ben: Then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.

Belle and Beast kiss.

A few minutes later everyone has ate and there now on the dance floor. Mal is watching everyone dance. Ben comes up lifts her up and hugs her.

Ben: Mal

Mal and Ben: Thank you

They both laugh

Mal and Ben: I needed this

They both laugh

Henry Evie Carlos and Jay walk up to Ben and Mal.

Jay: You did pretty good out their Ben

Carlos: Ha Ha Jay was crying.

They all start laughing. Jay playfully nudges Carlos. A tear rolls down Henry's face.

Evie: What's wrong?

Henry: Nothing it's just tha teveryone is so happy and cheerful. I hope everyday is like this.

Evie and Henry have a quick kiss.

Evie: Me too.

Descendants 2 x Son of the Queen of HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now