my biography

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Feeling of love for my grandparents.

I'm from a humble family, raised only by my mother and grandparents, absent father.

My mother always worked, even without knowing how to read and write, never missed anything for her two daughters. I've always had caring grandparents.

My childhood was cool, I had many toys, but I played many times alone I always had pets like dogs, birds. I used to hang out with my grandmother a lot for places like the beach, relatives' house, parks, i loved hanging out with her.

But everything has changed.

My dear grandmother died, I was very sad, I was 6 years old, my family never asked if I was sad if I missed her, my grief was lonely I had no one to talk to, cried in silence, then you some years my grandfather dies too. By this time I was already married.

I'm going to talk a little bit about my grandfather, as a kid I fished several times with him, in various places, it was fun,  he taught me several things like making small repairs in the house, cooking, sewing, making crafts, as my grandparents said were not affectionate, but considerate, had two aunts who taught things about life, was good for my learning.

I spent my childhood and youth without having a real friend, yes colleagues.

My cousins and aunts didn't like my presence, they considered a boring person for asking too many questions.

The girls and boys on my bad street talked to me because I didn't smoke, I didn't drink, I didn't have sex, they didn't like the same songs.

The interaction was little, never been called to party or birthdays, I was ungrateful person

After the birth of my sister, the loneliness that was my friend was gone.

I had a real friend, someone to talk to, I love my sister very much.

In the school period, I did not have many friendships because I was shy, I went with seven years, Never had help in studies at home, Repeated two years for not having knowledge of the subjects or support of the family, to do the lessons. When I was nine years old in first grade, There was a teacher who was interested in teaching a girl who showed interest in learning, I started taking reinforcement classes after school, every week, it was great for that girl,  was when a world began to have felt, the windows of knowledge opened and everything changed.

My learning has always been through books, observing people's mistakes not to do the same.

She was always observant and learned fast.

But I always praised my God, in times of loneliness and sadness, you always heard me, helped me when i asked for your help and peace entered my being, everything passed.

But I always praised my God, in times of loneliness and sadness, you always heard me, helped me when i asked for your help and peace entered my being, everything passed.

At school I was always ahead, because so I heard better the explanations of the teachers, I was always that student who asked many questions, and got good grades.

The location of the library was near my house, it was a mile away, in this place complete many free courses, already in the library i looked for books to find the answers to questions that appeared in general in my life, but not always the answers were in the books. In this period I discovered the sports center and started practicing several free sports, such as swimming, walking, volleyball, Olympic gymnastics, localized gymnastics, basketball, the sport was very important in my life.

A certain period of my life was; The school, library, sports center, taking a course, taking care of my sister and household work was my life.

In the first year of high school, where I was attending in the afternoon, close to home, as I did not work I started to bring a bag of sweets to sell in the classroom to my classmates and teachers, With this had money to have ice cream over the weekend and buy some school supplies that in the future needed, did not want to ask my mother for money she had many things to pay and buy.

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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