chapter two

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           My eyes widen as fear takes hold of my body consuming my every being. I watch as he suddenly leaps forward the knife gripped in his pale hand. kicking up my legs I kick him square in the chest knocking him back away from my, now trembling form. 


      The dog growls as it jerks my head back again its sharp fangs still tangled in my white hair. the man fell back from my kick now I need to focus on this creature who decides to rip my hair out. bringing my slightly cracked hands up I blindly throw punches at the dogs nose making it growl and let go. gladly I scramble to my feet taking off into the woods. hearing the thundering sounds of paws and a pair of feet makes me run faster. im not letting some joker wannabe kill me I have to much shit that needs to be taken care of. a piercing pain enters my head a loud static like noise makes me nearly double over in pain. lifting my eyes I see the edge of the tree line! my freedom was so close! 

'go go go go go!'

     these words repeat in my head I had to get home! mother wouldn't make it without me! with a final push of energy I burst out of the forest. I keep running as I look over my shoulder my pupils dilate. standing in the tree line was a faceless man along with the same male and dog who attacked me. 


       I rush away no way in hell was I gonna stick around and see what that thing can do. seeing my mothers house in the distance. sweat pours down my 'skin' bursting into the house I fell to my knees making a loud CLANK. the cracks that litter my body ach making me hiss.


      my voice echos through the house its usual gentle tone replaced with a rough and panicked one. my mother walks into the living room her old eyes widen as she sees my shaking cracked body. she rushed over her cane clicking against the wood.

'y/n! honey what happened!'

       I couldn't speak my mind not quite grasping the concept of what the hell just happened and what I saw. I lift my eyes up to my mother, gasps leave my lips as I try to steady my breathing. she grabs me holding me close and patting my tangled hair softly.

'm-momma I-im cracking' 

    she sighs and looks down at my cracking surface she gently lets me go and grabs some of the plump she keeps on the table. ive never really been told what was in it but im guessing its nothing good, by the way it looks and smells. walking back to me she checks out all of my injuries before rubbing the special medicine onto my cracks. the pain slowly subsides making me relaxed.

'what happened dear?'

      momma looks at me in my eyes. should I lie to her? im not sure what that thing was or who my attacker was, but maybe I should go and investigate! its not everyday that I see a faceless monster and a man with a cut smile. or get my hair yanked out by a dog that seems to have a human smile.

'I was c-climbing up a tree a-and a branch snapped.'

    I decided to lie I hated to lie to mother but I cant have her knowing that there was some evil killers in the forest! I never get to make friends or even see anyone! not that looking for some killers is a good idea...but its my first time being near another entity other than mother. something draws me to go back and see them. but after what I just seen I don't think im going back any time soon, well without a plan at least.

'y/n! you need to be more careful you know how dangerous it is in them woods! I cant affored to lose you..not again'

     I sigh and wrap my arms around her the cracks completely healed. I feel mother resting her head on my shoulder her breathing heavy and ragged. I know mother wont last much longer shes 117 years old after all. mother is what humans like to call a witch. she made me from an old china doll. 

'I know mother I promise ill be more careful from now on!'

    she smiles as I release her from the hug and, help her get up. she was getting weaker I've noticed this. as soon as she is able to stand she grabs her cane and wobbles to the kitchen where she was once baking cookies. she made the best cookies! they were best on a rainy day or when you are sad. I climb up the stairs to go to my bedroom it was a small but cozy room.

         I threw myself onto the fluffy bed the covers tickle my skin as I lay there. I sigh and roll onto my back. holding my pale hand into the air I look at it. the cracks were gone leaving my hand perfectly smooth once more. my mind wonders to the tall faceless being. what was it, I couldn't help but think of the monstrous creature. that guy who attacked me and the dog...what were they? what made the boys face like that? was it his own doing, or did someone or something to that to him? I need to find out. something makes me feel the need to seek them out. why, I am not quite sure. but one thing is for sure. they have snagged my interest! 

     standing up I climb off my bed, making my way to the window I pull back the grey curtains to reveal the tree line along with a few scattered bushes and flower patches. my eyes wander the trees looking for anything out of the ordinary. my eyes stop and widen slightly. there standing in between two large oak trees. is a tall faceless being 'looking' straight at my bedroom window.

word count 1010


hello my lovelyz I hope you like this new chapter im trying to make the chapters at least 1000 words long! how is it doing so far? any suggestions ?? well thx for reading please leave a comment I love to hear from my readers!

- your wattpad mom  

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