"Do you like it?" Harrison asked from behind me, appearing out of nowhere. I turned around to face him and tried very hard to contain my tears, damn pregnancy hormones. "I take it you do." He chuckled, hugging me. A sob escaped my lips as I struggled to understand why I felt so emotional. "Don't cry," My friend chuckled as he rubbed my back softly.

"I can't help it," I sniffled, "Just ignore it. How is he?" I asked him, pulling away from him.

"Uh, he's great." Harrison lied to my face, trying to convince me by smiling but I could see right through him. The thought of him not being okay just made the tears fall even quicker from my eyes. There was no turning back. "No, no, no. Stop it." He groaned softly grabbing both my arms gently. His groan was not in annoyance but more as disappointment in himself for not being a better liar. "He's okay, I swear."

"I knew we shouldn't have gotten married yet. He should be resting or-" Zendaya cut me off.

"Alright, stop it. Tom's a grown man and he can handle himself. If he says he's okay, than you stop worrying about it alright? He loves you and he wants to make you his wife so just think about that, okay?" She gently scolded me, tired of me freaking out. I nodded at her, like a child would after being reprimanded by their parent. I sighed and wiped my tears, which made Harrison sigh in relief of not having to deal with my hormones anymore.

"Oof, that was a rollercoaster." He joked as Zendaya flashed him a glare so he'd know to shut up. "Alright, I'm gonna go back to Tom. Who is doing great!" He nervously chuckled, walking away from us. Zendaya rolled her eyes and then smiled at me. She grabbed my arm and pulled me inside of the small building where we could get ready.

Once I was dressed in my simple but elegant white dress, Zendaya helped me do my makeup. I admired myself in the mirror, my dress, my simple nude nails and makeup, my wavy hair. It was everything I had ever wanted for my wedding. It was all simple but very elegant and I couldn't wish for anything more.

"You look beautiful sweetheart." My mum cooed from behind me as my sister held back her tears and Nikki smiled widely. Z just stood there, admiring all of us with a smile plastered on her face.

We all went downstairs, Nikki hugging me before going outside to take a seat as we joined Harrison, Tuwaine and Jacob. I greeted them all with a hug as we complimented each other.

"I wish I'd told you sooner about Tom so you could've been happy long before." Harrison told me as everyone else was engulfed in their own conversation.

"Well, I'm glad you didn't. We got together on our own time and I am happier than I could ever be. I think it was the perfect timing." I smiled at him, I was convinced that if I had met Tom sooner things wouldn't have been the same. Our timing was perfect because it was ours.

"Well, you better name that kid after me." He joked with a smirk on his face.

"We just might, godfather." I joked as well watching him as his eyes opened wide. "If you want to be, of course."

"Yes! Of course!" He hugged me tightly and I swear his eyes were full of tears which touched me to no end.

We hugged it out as he practically screamed out the news to everyone else standing around us. They all laughed and congratulated him, Jacob making a joke about him being the godfather of our second child - if we were to have one. Our moment was cut off by someone signalling us that it was time to go outside and start the wedding. We all got in place and when the music started, we were ready to go out.

Harrison and my sister went out first, being the principal groomsman and bridesmaid. Jacob and Zendaya followed with Tuwaine and my mum following. I watched them make their way up as I followed a little further behind. The second my eyes locked on Tom, it was impossible for me to look away. He looked handsome, as always, but there was a little something more today. It was like he was shining, radiating happiness from miles away and that made me even happier - if it was even possible. I shot him my biggest smile as tears brimmed the corner of my eyes. As soon as I arrived by his side, I could tell he had shed a few tears. He let out a huge breath and mumbled a small hi to me. I chuckled, whispering the same back at him as we stood there with our hands intertwined.

"We are here today, gathered to celebrate the love between Mister Tom Holland and Miss Riley Thompson. This lovely couple here have decided to sign their papers before this ceremony, saving you a good hour of blabbering from me." Our families and friends laughed at the minister's humour, Tom and I chuckling as well. "I believed you two have written your own vows, so Tom, you may begin."

"Riley, I love you so much. You have been the most supportive girlfriend I could have ever asked for. You offered me patience, love and support ever since we met. It hasn't always been easy between us, yet you always found a way to make sure I was okay and I want you to know that I saw it and I know it. I know you went through hell and back before you could make your way to me and for that - I will forever be grateful. You are such a strong woman and it is an honour to have you by my side and to finally get to call you my wife. You make me the happiest man in the world, darling. I am so grateful for you. I promise to you that I will cook for you both, because I know you dislike cooking since you think you suck at it - but you're actually really good. I promise to support you and to offer you everything you need. I promise to be there for you, physically and mentally which is why I've been so tired lately. I wrapped up my projects so I could keep that promise for you." My eyes instantly watered, I was incredibly touched that he would practically drive himself to exhaustion just to be able to spend time with me. And I hated it at the same time.

"I promise to help you start your garden in the backyard to grow your own fruits and vegetables, because I know you've always wanted one. I promise to help you furnish the next nursery for our second child. And finally, I promise to love and cherish you and our baby until the ends of time because I am the luckiest man in the world, but only with you two by my side." He finished with a huge smile on his face as a tear rolled down my cheek.

I let out a sigh, a bit nervous about my speech now. Though as I looked up at Tom, all that nervousness suddenly made no sense to me. I had no reason to be nervous at all, especially around him. I smiled and begun,

"Tom, you have been my knight in shining armor from the moment we met. I didn't know life you could be so bright and beautiful until I met you. Tom, you have protected me through thick and thin, even when you didn't really know me and even when it wasn't fair to you. You were always there for me, even when you physically weren't. I want you to know that I plan on doing the same. I will stand by you for the rest of our lives because I love you more than you could ever know. You are my light in the dark and never could I ever let you go. We made mistakes, we let go of each other in the past but I swear to you, my love, I will never ever do it again. I finally got you and I plan on keeping you forever. I promise to be the one to kill the spiders that roam around our house, because I know you hate them. I promise to make our child watch Spiderman just so he knows how talented his dad is. I promise to stand by your side, through sickness and health, through hard and easy times. I will protect and love you until death do us part, Tom and that is my ultimate promise for you as well as our baby boy." I finished my speech, announcing the gender of our baby as well. Tom's eyes opened wide and our families gasped in surprise. I caught happy faces in the crowd as well as chuckles and smiles. Tom's was the widest.

He looked at the minister, "Is there any way I can kiss her now without ruining the ceremony?"

The minister chuckled as well as everyone else, "I'm gonna speed this up son, hold on." He turned to the crowd.

"Riley Thompson, do you take Tom Holland to be your husband?"

"I do."

"Tom Holland, do you take Riley Thompson to be your wife?"

"I really do."

"Then son, you may now kiss your bride and I'm not letting anyone objecting to this union." The minister finished, making Tom and I laugh before my husband grabbed me gently by the waist and brought me closer to him.

As his lips rested softly on mine, his hand caressed my belly and he smiled through the kiss. I smiled as well, which usually would have ruined the kiss but we were so happy that neither of us cared. We were surrounded by everyone we loved and from there, we knew we'd be okay.


Thank you so much for reading (even though there's only like twenty of you lmao)! Thanks to everyone who put this book in their reading lists/library. This means the world to me.

I'm gonna post a mob!tom fanfic soon, so if you're interested let me know!
UPDATE: it's posted, head to my profile and check it ouuuut

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