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"Put a little love on me"
Put a little love on me - Niall Horan

October 15th

I walked down the stairs with my hands on my growing belly as Zendaya squealed from excitement.

"I can't believe you're getting married today!" She jumped up and down in her kitchen as she cooked pancakes for us.

"I know! Thank you so much for being here, Z. It means a lot." I thanked her and grabbed myself a glass of orange juice. I was grateful for her, even though I had planned my perfect day with Elle years ago. It made me sad that she wasn't by my side today but we had never talked again after my mom's wedding and maybe it was for the best.

We ate and got ready quickly as I exchanged a few texts here and there with Tom. The past few months he had been in and out of London for work but I could tell he tried really hard to be with me as much as he could. But all that travelling really took a toll on him and I knew he was exhausted. I tried talking to him about getting married later but he thought now would be the better time because if we waited too long we wouldn't have the time with the baby and everything else.

"How's Tom doing?" Zendaya asked me as she knew I was worried about him quite a lot.

"He says he's fine but I know he's exhausted." I told her, "I'm worried, what's it going to be like once the baby is there? He's gonna be twice even trice as exhausted!"

"Did he talk to you about it?" She wondered, looking like she knew something I didn't.

"No, he refuses to talk about it. He just keeps on telling me he's fine and to not worry about it." I groaned and threw my head back, growing a bit annoyed with the situation. I knew it was out of Tom's control. After all if he wanted to keep his successful career going he had to keep working hard no matter what. But as his soon-to-be wife, I felt like he needed to slow down a little or else his mental health and most probably physical health would go downhill.

"Then don't. At least for today. Put all of your worries at the back of your mind and enjoy today. It's your big day after all." My friend smiled at me warmly, reassuring me as much as she could. I nodded and breathed in and out deeply, trying to calm down and stop worrying.

We ate the pancakes she had made for us before cleaning the kitchen as we danced to the music playing on the radio. Up until we realized we were almost late and really should get going soon. We hurried up, each of us taking a very quick shower and dressing up. Zendaya drove us to the venue Tom had chosen for our wedding - it being one of the only thing he decided on. And not because I didn't let him but simply because he wasn't there half the time to figure it all out with me.

"Oh my god, Riley." Zendaya gasped and I agreed with her reaction. The venue was absolutely mesmerizing. The wedding was taking place outdoors and I was extremely grateful that it was a very beautiful day outside or else it would have been a mess.

The arch was decorated with beautiful and delicate white flowers that I didn't know the name of. Little globe lights hung from trees to trees to provide the lights for the reception afterwards as well as set a mood for the ceremony. I adored it. The white chairs fitting perfectly with the rest of the setting and I knew it couldn't be more perfect. Tom had chosen all the right things.

"This is beautiful." My mouth was wide opened, extremely surprised by the venue. I knew Tom had good taste and he wouldn't let me down but I didn't imagine all that. I knew it'd be pretty but I didn't think he would've paid attention to the smallest details. Tears welled up in my eyes at the simple thought of Tom planning all of this, probably with the help of someone, but doing it himself nonetheless.

AFTERTASTE- Tom Holland Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora