Chapter 18: Never Be The Same

Start from the beginning

'We're nearing the jump-point. Leave your beacon on so I can find you. We'll get to the bottom of this Vers. Together.' Yon finally sounded calm again, clearly pleased he got through to her and put extra emphasis on the last word. He wanted to do this together so he could control what she saw en heard.

But the woman in front of me didn't seem impressed. I don't know if she thought he lied or she just didn't trust him, but her answer didn't sound convincing and neither looked her face. 'Okay.'

Hanging the phone back in its holder, she ended the call. Thinking for a second, she turned her eyes to mine. 'He is hiding something.' 

'Absolutely. And we are going to find out what it is. Together.' I used the same words as Yon, but these had a totally different meaning to them. Yon wanted Vers to wait for him so she wouldn't find anything he didn't want her to find. But my word meant a promise to her, that I would be with her every step along the way. 

She smiled at me thankfully and her eyes said more than her words could ever express. I didn't need her to say anything, I knew she was thankful I was here.

'Let's get out of here, shall we?' I offered. This place had brought us nothing but misery, so I would feel better if we were out of here. 

I walked past the elevator to the stairs, expecting a little jab about it, but Vers was too lost in her thoughts to even notice. We went down, hoping to find a way out there somewhere, but were just one stair down when suddenly voices sounded from above. 

'Fury's colluding with the targets.' Targets? Probably me and Vers. Looking over to where she had stopped next to me, a pissed and confused expression was on her face. Fury hadn't been paging with his mom, but with SHIELD. The people above us were SHIELD Agents.

'Then why did he call us in?' I knew that voice, it was the short suit-guy from the Blockbuster, Fury's colleague.

'All I know is that we take him in too. Dead or alive', his partner answered. Dead or alive? That is a little overdone. Fury was a good guy and now because he had been helping us, he might end up dead? Vers' eyes showed the same emotion and I knew her too well to know she wouldn't just walk away now.

'Dead or alive?' Suit-guy asked indignantly. It was obvious he liked his partner and didn't want him to end up dead. They walked through the doors, going to the sublevel we just left, where Fury probably still was.

Like I expected, Vers sighed, let out a little annoyed grunt and turned around, back up the stairs. There was that amazing personality again. Even though Fury had screwed us over, she couldn't let him die. 

Running around the fifth sublevel, we hoped he would still be here. If he wasn't, our chances of keeping him out of SHIELD hands were getting a lot smaller. Luckily, we were guided by the sound of grunts, people crashing into things and just overall fighting. Turning the corner to the records room we had just come out of, my gaze fell on Fury who lay on his back on the ground, a tall man towering over him, about to deliver the final blow. 

Before I could react, Vers had already blasted him away from Fury, making him fly away at least thirty feet. Fury turned his head backwards slowly, the blood on his forehead dripping down. I helped him up quickly, the man wouldn't be down for long, while Vers blasted a hole in the ceiling we could climb through.

'You called them in?!', she yelled at Fury while we were running away, trying to find a way out. 

'My bad.' The man puffed and groaned with every step he took, injured from the fight and not in good shape in general. I guess sitting behind a desk for six years did that to your stamina.

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