Just Another Night

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In a darkened alleyway, a group of eight motley criminals were gathering up the last of their stolen goods together and prepared to escape awaiting transport. Even though they had been successful in their raid, a feeling of uncertainty hung over them over one certain superhero. For many of the gang members present, they were in fact all former members of Shocker's posse, but since he was defeated by Spider-Man and taken back to prison, they had been on their own ever since.

"It's not the same since the boss got taken in again," one of the masked gang members spoke to a fellow associate.

The other criminal, a tall and well-built character, who had become the unofficial leader of the pack since Shocker was defeated, looked over at the person who had just spoken to him, "We've gotta move on from him. Besides, we have more things to worry about...mostly that Spider freak."

All the gang members felt a shiver of discontent, they knew Spider-Man would be out there tracking down the last of Shocker's crew across the city and that it would be sooner than later that he would find them, though there had been more rumors to add to their fear of Spider-Man recently.

"Heard that Spidey has a sidekick now," another one of the criminals said to the mob. "Apparently it's that crazy cat lady who helped 'em take out Shocker."

The mob groaned at the thought of Spider-Man having a sidekick; that was the last thing any of them needed. Just then, the gang leader spoke out to crew. "Listen guys, the sooner the rest of our lot get here with our getaway van, we'll be out of this place quickly before—"

"Guys look!" One of them pointed over to the far top corner of the alleyway and all the group could see a giant web that couldn't have been done any normal spider. The gang of criminals looked around in fear, that giant web only could mean one thing...

"Keep sharp," the leader instructed. "Whatever you do, don't—ARGH!"

From above, two individuals leapt down on top of the unsuspecting posse and began to take them out.

"It's the web head!" Cried out of one of the criminals before he receiving a knock out punch to the face by the superhero in question. One of the individuals was dressed in red and blue spandex and one who was well known to the whole city and the other was a woman dressed in tight black leather who, while not that well know to many, was now starting to make a name for herself too. In just under a minute of the surprise attack, the gang of eight had all been beaten and lay around the alley all battered and bruised.

After webbing up one of the criminals, Spider-Man rubbed his hands in satisfaction. "Well, that's another of Shocker's goon taking care of, what'd you think Cat?"

His sidekick, or probably better known as a partner, Black cat sauntered up to him with a content grin. "Just another lot down and out, Spider." She looked up at the giant webbing near the top of the alleyway. "What'd you think of that idea using your webbing as a calling card? Am I'm a genius...or am I a genius?"

The spandex clad superhero chuckled and pulled up his mask up half way up before pulling Black cat close to him giving her a quick kiss. "Yes, you are a genius, just don't start flaunting it now."

The short white haired woman laughed. "Oh come on, I thought you said that I was both smart and sexy and that I should show my intelligent side more often."

"Oh yeah, point taken," Spider-Man admitted.

Despite enjoying the brief moment of banter and affection between them, the sound of the police car's sirens heading their way broke them out of their little moment. Black cat grinned at her superhero boyfriend, "Time to get out here...fancy enjoying a little race like we did before?"

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