ShadeClan RP: 1

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Greenleaf is also slowly approaching shadeclan's territory. The dark pine trees grow brighter and prey is practically slipping into their paws.

Shadeclan territory:

Leader's den- a huge pine tree northeast to the entrance of their territory.

Medicine cat den- a small bramble den in a large dip with a sufficient water source flowing beside it.

Warriors den- a large den protected by bramble thickets.

Apprentice den- a dead, hollow tree. Even if it is the apprentice den, it would be an adequate place for a training session.

Nursery- a little cave underground. If there was a battle in shadeclan's territory, the nursery would be well hidden.

Pine cove- although shadeclan's territory is a pine forest, this is where the most trees are located. The perfect place for a training session.

Extras- a river flows deep between the border of shadeclan and mountainclan

-shadeclan are best in ambushes. They hide with their shadows and brace themselves to pounce.

-shadeclan has the biggest territory

-leaders throw their clan meetings in their tall-rock.

-if you'd think you'd get away with an ambush like shadeclan's, then your wrong.

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