Every Day Life

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Or how it should be, their every day routines, consists of going to work; Cozy attends university and has a part time job too. Chrysalis works at a day care, Sombra works in a famous jewellery store, (At a high rank) and Tirek works from home.
Whenever they come back, they like to come down and tell me about their day. Then they'll have dinner.
And are likely to go for a night walk whilst Tirek runs about. They probably stay awake until 9 o'clock. Then they'll come down say good night to me and go to sleep.

Somewhat simple right?
Their struggle only increases every day.

The struggle to fit in.
The struggle of questioning whether someone may recognise them.
The struggle is that the sight of disgustingly happy families rub in that they're not ordinary.

That they are neglected by many, for no reason too.

They have to cope with the itch of blooming happiness around each curve, because in this world there is no corners. In this world it's different.
But it's also very similar to back home.
The humans care about what others think of them and how they'll look in their own eyes.

Alike home.
But there's something different, there's a way that the humans make everything strange and odd in a way.

It's Not Over (Mlp Villains Human AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora