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"Why aren't you asleep yet, child?" The old lady asked, stepping inside the room.

"I don't feel like sleeping yet, Grandmomma." the small child replied, sitting up. Ruffling the sheets of her bed even more.

"And why is that?" The lady asked. However, she received nothing but a questionable shrug from the little girl.

"Never mind then, how about I tell you a story?" The lady asked raising an eyebrow at the child. The child, at this question, started nodding way too excited.

"oh, Grandmomma, please tell me, tell me a story! Tell me again about the Great War!" She said clearly interested.

"Well, a story it is. But instead of the Great War, let me tell you something way before that a time before everything came as it is, before everything we've come to know. Our world, Sorrel, was filled with tribes warring over territorial claims. Sorrel is made up of 4 continents, as far as our voyagers covered, Veraz as the largest in the west, then Aztlan on the east, Hildegarde on the south, and the smallest the Crystal isles. Within these continents groups of people fight the battle of the fittest, to determine who gets to rule who."

The little girl lay down on her squeaking bed as her grandmother sat on her bed, gently combing her hair away from her face. Piercing violet eyes staring at each other. A trait only the and her grand-mother and another woman from their line of blood have, as far as their records went.

"These tribes were all busy fighting one another failing to notice as another race from another world has started occupying the land farthest on the eastern continent. Turning the barren land into a small kingdom, people from out of this world. The tribes from this part of the land were turn into slaves by these pale-skinned people with eyes ....."The lady was cut off from her tale as the girl asked.

"Grandmomma, is this a story?" the girl asked sleepily.

"Of course it is, this is a tale told by mother and her mothers' mother and her mother before." The lady said.

"These people took Sorrel into storm, using abilities never been heard before. There is even a belief that these people never share the same ability from one another, not even from their own kind. They ruled Sorrel with the cruelty that blocked the Sun Gods' full glory for decades."

"But grandmomma, humans, if ever they are gifted with an ability by the mother, can have abilities same as their parent. I heard Audrey has the same ability as fathers, I heard it all in school, when I was born the whole of Hildegarde shook because of Audrey. This story can't be true!!" The girl said questioning her beliefs.

"I know child, but this is what my mother told me, that these people are of different origins from us, they're not from this world. The person that brought them to our word was said to have an ability of opening portals from one location to another, it made conquering easy for them and the whole of Aztlan bowed to their Queen which is the most powerful of them all. There was a time when they had almost every continent, and ours was crawling to the ground. But our very Hildans' stood up for what was ours and slowly we got our way back. We rallied with the other kingdoms from the other three continents. And as the queen defeated our continent built the enchanted barrier protecting us from them as the queen promised the whole Sorrel of her return. And at this the tribes formed kingdoms of their own fortifying bonds from one another preparing for her return and as time flies people started to forget and ended up warring once again and so another war started, The Great War begins."

The old Lady ended the story by looking at the sleeping toddler on the bed. "Oh, My sweet Cordelia, you have lot's to learn. And I'm sorry for not being able to teach you myself " The lady went to her own room, knowing full well of what's awaiting after she sleeps.


That was the last time I've heard of her, the next morning she's gone, lying so still and pristine as if she was just sleeping peacefully.

Too peaceful to my liking if you ask me. And one minute I was crying and next I was taken to my father's. It wasn't until weeks before I got out of my own room. My half-sisters took it to their own hands the responsibility of taking care of me. They made sure at the end of the third week of my grieving that I get out of my room. And to continue my studies at Hildan High as what I promised Grandmommma and to attend Morphis Decus, an academy overseas, another promise I made when Grandmomma was still alive.

And so here I am making it happen.

"Lady Arran Cordelia of House Vittorio"


With cold shaking hands Cordelia opened the doors leading to the council room as she heard her name announced. Members of the council both from the high and low stood and gave a proper bow at the lady who returned the gesture, as a sign of respect. The High council consisting of the chosen Hildans by my Father, king Rupert Yves Haroldene, and the lower council consists of the leading family in cities in the kingdom of Hildegarde. Cordelia stood as she gave a proper courtesy to the king, her father.

"king Rupert, members of the council, I have come to hear your answers to my plea, I bear with me the letter of acceptance from 'Morphis Decus Academy of Order. The only thing I am waiting for is your decision" The lady stated raising the letter inside the ripped envelope. The council took a few suspenseful seconds before answering.

"With due process and investigation over the years the council, both high and low, have witnessed your climbed from the ranks in 'Hildan High' with grace and amazing performance that has led us to the decision of accepting your special plea to attend an Academy Overseas even without your coming of age, which by 'Hildan Law' is illegal, for the Hildan Law states that a Hildan can only leave the country when he/she has have come of age which is by Hildan standards, is 15 years old, which you are 8 months away from. But the council has seen your persistence over the years and is therefore willing to make an exemption. "Congratulations Lady Cordelia of house Vittorio, you are going to Morphis Decus: Academy of the Order"

Cordelia released her breath she unknowingly held and the felt years of pressure lifted from her shoulders.

"Thank you, King Rupert and members of the council, for your generosity."

The lady took a bow of leave, excitement, and Happiness evident from her movements, and before exiting the chamber, she took a last glance at the king and saw that he was watching her proudly and grinning she winked at the king leaving him struggling to contain his happiness.  

BLOOD SPARKED: An Irman ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now