Chapter 4: What is Bonnie's Problem?

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Thank you so much for 1K reads! I have another story with 2K but it took MUCH MUCH longer! Wow! Unforntunately wattpad was being a douche and deleted my chapter when I was ALMOST DONE! So this'll be pretty short (although originally it was huge!)
So Imma go on with the story!

29th of September

So... last night was crazy. Foxy wouldn't shut up about booty, you and Chica were screaming "FOOOOD!" half of the time, and Bonnie was the grump in the corner. Surely they'll eventually tell you what his problem is. Oh, and you may of broken a few things like tables and doors.

So yesterday was fun, but now it's time to clean up.

Cleaning up was BOOOOORING but at least you can now relax.

Pirate's Cove is your legit home now. Whenever you're angry, you go to Pirate's Cove. Whenever you're bored, you go to Pirate's Cove. Whenever you're happy, you go to Pirate's Cove.

So technically everyone but Bonnie is sitting around The Cove, confessing and clarifying things to you.

"Seriously, what is Bonnie's issue?" You ask annoyed at the negitive purple douchebag.

"Well... actually, Chris is the only one who died in the process of getting put inside a suit. He was the first one to get stuffed in a suit and it was done by that damn manager, or as we like to call him, Purple Man. So please call him that from now on. Anyways, he is dead inside the suit, so it has made him grumpy, and it makes him do very bad things. Please try not to be alone with him, we want you to be safe."

You were just shocked by the whole situation.

Hey guys sorry that was so short, I will definately make the next one much much much longer. So i've decided, since I have quite a lot of kind readers, maybe a character contest? I dunno, tell me what you think.

Drop any questions or concerns in the comments and they will be answered in the start of the chapters or go onto "Ask Shibby" if you have any plot questions, character questions, backround information, inspiration, or just sillyness, feel free to comment it, and it'll be in the next chapter (or answered in the comments box, I highly doubt that though)


- Shibza

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