Tangled Up In Blue

Start from the beginning

"Why would you want to be friends with someone that threatened to kill you?"

"If I hated everyone who threatened to kill me, I wouldn't have any friends at all. I asked around about you after our little altercation and found out that you were looking for your brother. Elijah, right? The moral Original Vampire, always wears a suit, dead sexy? You see what I did there with the dead pun?" Imogen asked airily as she tilted her head to the side and pursed her lips slightly as she swirled her bourbon around in the glass. Rebekah couldn't help but quirk a small smile at the witch's description of her brother as she nodded her head and placed her now empty glass down on the bar counter in front of her. "Family is important. I'd do anything for mine. It would be hypocritical of me to fault someone for doing the same."

"For the record, I'm glad I didn't kill you. I like you, Imogen. Most girls have the unfortunate tendency of being whiny little twits." Rebekah told the young witch nonchalantly as she pushed a strand of blonde hair behind her ear and the brunette next to her laughed softly at the compliment as she downed the rest of her drink.

"Thank you. I like you, too. Most female vampires around here have the unfortunate tendency of being annoyingly high and mighty." Imogen replied with a roll of her blue eyes as she turned her body to face Rebekah and the blonde laughed slightly as she shook her head at the witch's point of view.

"Hey, I'm supposed to go to this posh charity thing thrown by this philanthropist tonight. He's a bit of a Gatsby, throws a mean party. Any interest?" Rebekah asked the young witch curiously as she bit the inside of her cheek and ignored the slight swell of guilt as a plan began to form in her mind that centred on the brunette.

"You mean the fundraiser Marcel is throwing? I already have my invite. What I don't have is a dress. Want to come shopping with Cami and I?" Imogen asked sincerely as she canted her head to the side and looked at the blonde next to her with honest blue eyes that made Rebekah feel slightly guilty as she nodded politely.

"I would love to."

"Good, because Cami may be an awesome friend but she has horrible taste in clothes!" the young witch said as she raised her voice at the end of the statement so that the bartender at the other end of the counter could hear her over the sound of the other patrons.

"Shut up!" Cami shouted back at her playfully as she poured a drink for a customer without looking at her friend and she fought the grin that spread across her lips at her friends teasing. She turned her head to look back at the brunette with a wink and saw that Imogen was sticking her tongue out at her as Rebekah tried to not laugh at their childish antics.


Rebekah and Klaus entered the party held by Marcel arm in arm dressed in formal wear and wearing knowing smirks on their faces as they looked around the room filled with vampires and human's alike.

"Well, this certainly is a fitting backdrop for tonight's events, I must say." Klaus mused softly as he looked around at the dancing people, falling confetti and flutes of champagne that were being passed around on trays. His blue eyed gaze flickered around the crowded ballroom for any sign of Marcel as he grabbed two flutes of champagne from a passing waiter's tray and silently handed one over to his sister.

Rebekah made an appreciative noise in the back of her throat as she took the offered flute and delicately lifted it to her lips as she sipped the bubbly liquid. She ran a hand down the front of her stunning black floor length gown that she had brought earlier that day when she went shopping with Imogen and Cami.

The youngest Mikaelson couldn't remember a time when she had just been shopping with girlfriends without a devious motivation behind the event but today she genuinely had a good time shopping, getting her nails done and talking about pointless topics. Rebekah felt guilty for trying to use the young witch earlier but she had soon learned that Imogen was not one to be used or manipulated.

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