"Yeah, We're gonna meet at Pizza hut." Kyle told you and you nodded before you all made your way to the pizza hut.

As you arrived you noticed the guys waiting for the three of you outside. Kenny came up and slung his arm over your shoulder and gave your cheek a kiss.

"Heyyy Babyyy." Kenny said, and you just stared straight ahead. Your face looking like the Mike Wazowski meme. Hey looked at your face before slowing removing his arm from your shoulder. Your face returned to normal and you walked up and slung your arms around Tweek.

"How are you doing sweet baby. I missed you." You cooed, rubbing your face against his. He was fidgeting around, but he was a lot better then when you first met him.

"I'm alright. I-I just saw you y-yesterday." Tweek told you. You huffed before letting go.

"So? I still missed you." You sighed before turning your attention to a Certain Marsh.

"Stan my man! What is up my guy." You asked, to which he just laughed and shook his head.

"The sky." He smugly told you and you narrowed your eyes at him.

"Hardy har." You said before turning and walking in to the Pizza Hut.
As you walked in you noticed that a Certain blonde wasn't in the group.

"Where's Butters?" You asked. Kyle looked over at you.

"He got grounded again." He told you and you rolled your eyes. Shitty parents. You continued your way inside.

The rest of the guys piled in and you all looked at the menu to see what kind of toppings your guys wanted.

"How many Pizza's are we getting anyways?" You asked out loud.

"Probably like 5.We're a bunch of Teenage boys, well besides you." Clyde told you. You just nodded and looked at them.

"As long as we get Pepperoni I'm good." You told them before going to sit at one of the tables and waited for them  to get done. You played on your phone before Stan walked over.

"We got the Pizzas." He told you and you nodded before standing up. You noticed that Token and Craig were the ones holding the pizzas. You walked out with them and you all made your way back to your house.

Everyone piled into your house and Token and Craig followed you into the Kitchen to Place the pizza boxes down. Your mom recently bought a bunch of Canned sodas so you pulled them out of the fridge and sat them on the counter. You turned and noticed everyone coming in to get food. You got out paper plates and everyone lined up one by one and got slices of pizza and grabbed a drink.

You were the first one to get out of the kitchen, walking into the living room and flopping down on the couch. You grabbed the remote before switching on netflix and skimming through movies to watch. You felt a plop beside you and you glanced over and saw Craig immediately begin to munch on his pizza. You felt someone sit on your other side and noticed Stan doing the same thing. The couch was really large, So you all managed to fit on the couch. You were scrolling through the movies when you looked over a Tweek.

"Tweek, what do you want to watch." You asked him. He seemed to get nervous from the pressure.

"W-Why are you Asking M-Me." Tweek asked.

"Because Tweek, This is a Matter of Gay or Death. And I don't want Death." You told him with with a straight face and everyone turned to stare at you with a confused face.

"Well, I-I guess The Incredibles." Tweek mumbled out. You grinned and Clicked in the Incredibles

^Time Skip^

After the movie was over, Token helped you clean up the mess. Kenny and Craig decided to stay over and you waved the rest off when they turned to leave.

You grabbed some night clothes and went to take a shower.

•Outside the shower•

As you were in the shower Kenny was creeping outside of the bathroom, trying to catch a glimpse. As He was trying to see through the crack of the bathroom door, a cold hand gripped his shoulder. He turned to See Craig glaring at him.

"Quit, Dirty Pervert." Craig muttered, careful to not be too loud. Kenny narrowed his eyes back before turning away and walking off. Craig huffed before walking off.

You got out of the shower a little later and you told Kenny to sleep in the Guest room.

"Why Is Craig allowed to be with you and I can't." Kenny whined as he gripped your arm.

"Because Craig isn't a Toucher." You told him as you shrugged him off.

"Go to bed." You said with a laugh before stepping into your room.

Craig was laying on your bed, scrolling on his phone when you jumped beside him and snuggled into the covers.

"Get your bitch ass to sleep." You said, turning away and closing your eyes.

Craig Rolled his eyes and turned off his phone, turning away from you and closing his eyes.

Now for the bigger challenge.

Starting South Park High.

Honk. I want to get to the school chapters so i can meet my goth bois. that is all
also this chapter kinda sucks but it's fine
- Twix ❤️

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