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"Hey Harry"You greeted one of your best friends

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"Hey Harry"
You greeted one of your best friends.
"Hey Y/N.Come in darling"
He say as he let you in.

"So is Louis here?"
You ask him as you sit down on the sofa.

He's out since the morning.
Since he's together with Eleanor he's out the whole day.
Can't you talk to him?"
He ask you as he sits beside you.

"I've already tried.
But he won't listen to me.
And I still don't know why I am here."

"Believe me I don't know either.
Don't understand me wrong I love it when you're here.
But Louis wanted to tell us something"
He shrugged.
Then the door opened.

Louis enter the room with Eleanor on his side.
You feel a weird feeling inside your stomach.
You don't like them together.
You know Eleanor is just with him because he's famous.

"Hey Y/N!"
He greeted you as he hugs you.
You hug back and see Eleanor glance at you.

"So we have to announce something"
He smiles at Eleanor after they sit down as well.
"We're engaged "
He says.

Just now you realise the beautiful ring on Eleanor's finger.
Your jaw drops.
Harry's as well.

So you're best friend,who you love for a year now,is engaged.
To a girl which only wants his money.


"Y/N could you tell me what's wrong with you?
You're acting weird for week"
Louis ask you as you two are in the mall together.

"Everything's alright Louis.
I promise"
You say to him.

"Y/N don't lie to me.
Come on,me and Eleanor are worried about you."

Eleanor is worried"
You say sarcastically.

"Geez now stop it!"
He say,raising his voice.
"Why can't you accept that we're happy together?!"
You're now outside.

Seriously Louis how stupid are you?
Don't you see that she's just with you because you're famous?
You are THE Louis Tomlinson from One Direction and you have enough money to buy her EVERYTHING she want!
She's using you!"

"This isn't true!
Eleanor loves me and I love her!
If you won't accept that I'm happy with her the  you can go but then don't come back to me!"
He shouts at you.

I won't"
After this words you walk away from him.


The months past by and you haven't talked to Louis since then.

The rest of the boys want to invite you to a grill party since you're still friends with them.

"I don't know guys.
Maybe it isn't the right choice to come.
I mean Louis don't want to see me."

"Then you stay with us."
Zayn says as he put an arm around my shoulders.
"You don't need to talk with him or even come into his near.
Just talk with us.
We can have fun as well"
He smiles.

You sigh.
I will be there"


You're sitting in the garden of Harry's and Louis' house and talking with Liam and Zayn.
You can see Louis who is talking with Eleanor while she's sitting on his lap.

"Y/N you have to stop looking at them"
Liam says.

"I'm sorry.
I just can't help it"

Liam put his arms around you and hug you.
It's getting dark outside and Eleanor is standing up and went into the house without Louis noticing because he's talking with a friend of him.

Zayn and Liam are seeing this as well and are looking at you.
You just shrugged.


"Louis what happened?"
You ask worried as he's standing in your door with tears streaming down his face.

"C-can I come in?"
You nod and let him come in.
He sits down on your couch.

"What happened Louis?"
You ask again as you rub his back.

"S-she cheated on me"
He whispers.


"Eleanor cheated on me."
He break down in tears again.

"I'm so sorry Louis"
You say as you hug him.

"You were right"
He says after he pull away.

"About what?"
You don't know what he means.

"That she's only using me because I have money.
I'm so sorry I didn't believe you.
You were the one who was always with me.
Who supported me.
You were there for me when I've had problems in school,when I wanted to follow my dreams...
And I yelled at you.
I was so stupid"

"Louis it wasn't your fault.
Love makes blind.
I don't know.
I would love to say that I wasn't hurt by the things you said but it would be a lie.
You did hurt me Louis.
I mean...
You're my best friend.
Or at least...
You were my best friend."
You look down in your lap.

He took your hands in his.
"You're right.
We were friends.
Because now I want to be more than this"

You look up at him and realise that his face is very close to yours.
He the leans in and press his soft lips to yours.

"I don't want to be just friends.
I want to be your boyfriend.
I guess I was only with Eleanor because she reminded me of you.
I proposed to her because I wanted to forget you.
I was always in love with you.
Since the beginning.
I know you feel the same way.
Liam told me.
So Y/N do you want to be my girlfriend?"
He ask and look into your eyes.

You just nod with a smile on your face.
His smile grew bigger as well and he immediately kiss you again.

That was the start of the relationship between you and Louis Tomlinson.

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