3: goodbye

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It's almost ironic.Two grown people,standing in the hallway of a house,looking at each other with nothing but sadness in their eyes.

"I still don't understand why you're doing this" the male finally spoke after moments of silence.
"I already told you several times,Louis" you sighed.You're back at square one.As Louis came home to you packing your stuff.
You tried to avoid this.Yet,it feels like a deja vu.
This conversation repeated itself for years now.

Louis and you have been close friends since X-Factor times.In the middle of his carrier as a member of One Direction,you started dating.Even now,with him being successful in his solo career,you're still his biggest supporter.
There's only one thing stopping you from having a fairytale relationship.

Louis' fans.

Don't get me wrong,they obviously love Louis.But for some reason,they despite you.Not all of them,of course.But enough to let you make this decision.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not listen to them.They don't know shit.It's our relationship,not theirs.Let them think whatever they want,why would you care about this?" Louis started to ramble.He's close to just break down.He tries to hide it,but you've known him long enough to see the way his eyes turn red and glossy.
"I love you.I need you." He continued.

"And I love you,Lou.But it's getting too much.It got to the point where it is affecting my mental health.I'm just tired,Louis." You promised yourself not to cry in front of him,but here you are.
How can you not when he is looking at you like the world is about to break in half.
"Just let me go.If the universe makes us meet again,then maybe I'm ready to try again,but right now,I need time for myself.Please understand this."

With head hung low,Louis slowly got your words go trough him.
"Maybe you're right.I didn't know it was affecting you that much,and I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you.I want you to be happy," he quietly said.

"Same goes for me.I want you happy,Louis.Never lose your passion for music,and I'll always be your biggest supporter,no matter what." You took your bag and were about to grab the door handle,but his voice stopped you.

"Can I kiss you one last time?" You looked up at him.His face now decorated with tears,one after another sliding down his cheeks.
The reality of you leaving finally settled in.It may sound pathetic,but he couldn't just let you leave without feeling your lips on his on more time.

Dropping the bag again you walked over to him,cupped his cheeks and gently placed your lips on his.The kiss holds a lot of bottled up emotions,and tasted slightly salty because of both of your tears mixing together.
Pulling away seconds after,you looked into each others eyes.A mix of sadness and love playing in them.

Without saying another word you turn around and finally walked out of the door.Leaving the love of your life behind.

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