Chapter 22

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My leg shook as I rode in a cab to Toni's resturant.  Ringing my pale hands together, I asked the cab driver.  "Can we please somehow pass this traffic?  I am going to be late."

The driver did not turn his head from the line of honking cars in front of the cab.  The sun, just peeking from above the concrete mess of skyscrapers, flashed upon the metal roofs of non-moving cars.  "Lady, do you not see the traffic in front of us?"  The driver snapped.  "Who do you think I am?  Your genie or something?"

Biting my lip, I looked down at my orange heels.  "I'm sorry.  I-I-I am just very late."

"And so are about hundred of other people in front of us."

I threw up my hands and pressed more into the stained upholstery.  A stale smell of liquor tugged at my nose.  "I know.  I know.  It is just I am meeting a guy, and I am worried that he might think that I am standing him up."

The driver cocked an eyebrow in the rear view mirror at me.  "Oh?  Overcontrolling boyfriend?"

I breathed out a heavy sigh and stared up at the digny ceiling of the taxi.  "I guess you could say that, but more like that I am the overly-worried-overly-controlling gal friend."

The driver drummed his fingers against his tan steering wheel.  "You do not seem like that type."

Shrugging, I looked out at the window.  I noticed the variety of vehicles began to inch forward.   "Yeah.  I kind of understand my title, but at the same time I don't.  I am not too over-controlling am I?  Am I?"  I pressed my hand into my forehead; it felt cool against my skin.  My eyes stayed upon the slow moving cars, and then, I spied an oppurtunity.  I dashed up and hit the cab driver on the shoulder.  "Here!  There!  I said pull in there!"  The can driver did not turn the steering wheel to follow my orders.  A car rolled forward.  It was too late.    My palm hit the back of his head rest.  "What the heck are you doing?  You could have pulled in there!"

Leaning his head back, the driver let out an exasperated sigh.  We moved forward, but then jolted back to a stop as the red taill lights in front of us flashed.  "Lady, can you please stop breathing down my neck?"  The driver said with an annoyance roughing his voice.  "I have been driving these streets for ten years by now.  I think I know how to do this by now, okay?"

I slouched back down in my seat with my lip folded underneath teeth in frustration.  I turned my attention to the outside world.  Cars upon cars kissed each others bumpers.  People, some wearing light business casual or just t-shirts and tank tops, weaved in out of the traffic, not paying attention to where the crosswalks were.  A swirl of the air danced from the heat, and once again I groaned.  "When are we going to get there?"

The driver shrugged.  "When the traffic lets us."  

A hiss came from my lips, and I kicked the seat.  Pressing my hand against my eyes, I felt tears pushing through.  My heart rate increased.  Would Dave leave, thinking I was not coming?  What if he starts hating me for my lateness?  I buried my head in my hands and let out a muffled scream.  I stamped my heals in frustration. 

"Woah, there lady." The cab driver said to me.  "Calm down.  Don't get all crazy on me."

My hands ran down my face pulling at my skin.  My lips quivered as I held back my tears.  No crying was allowed.  Tears would create a ruined before meeting with Dave.  "Just get me there." I hissed.

The cab finally pulled up to the curb; I paid my fare and stepped with shake out to the curb.  As soon as I stood on the sidewalk, the cab screeched back into the traffic.  With the changing of lights, a flow of people charged by me.  A man with a small boy in tow bumped into me.  I flinched at the impact.  "Oh sorry, miss!" He is apology trailed off when as he and his son was carried off into the swarm.  Two teenage girls brushed past me, giggling. Could the be giggling at me?  Was it because of this stupid outifit I wore?  My arms folded across my chest for some security, some comfort.  I looked up.   "Toni's Resturant" in blue letters.  I took a deep breath, but my heartbeat speed up.  I walked up the door, pulled the handle and stepped in.

The resturant was busy.  Waiters danced in and out of the kitchen and to tables.  A crowd of people were pressed against the wood walls by the door.  My heels clicked as walked up the hostess.  "The wait is twenty minutes." She said.  "What is your name?"

"Um, no.  I am not waiting." I said leaning into the hostess desk.  "I am here to meet someone.  I think he is sitting-"

The hostess looked up and a tired expression in her dark lined eyes.  "Do you have a reservation then?"

"Uh.  No.  I just know that he is here!" Suddenly, I caught site of a middle aged sand haired woman.  "Toni!" I called. 

The woman served drinks to two customers and then looked up.  When her eyes met mine, a bright smile came upon her face.  "Divinity!" She said as she rushed over the hostess table.  She came around from the table with a tray underneath her arm and gave me a sideways hug.  "Dave is going to be so excited to see you!  I am excited to see you!  Come with me."

She began to lead through rows of tables, while whizzing by waitors and customers.  The clank of plates and the buzz of noisy conversation scratched against my ears, sending pain down my spine.  Finally, we came to a table where I saw the back of a red-head.  Toni pointed at him. "There he is."

In the midst of the bustle of the resturant, I stood frozen. "Should I go there?" I asked my eyes wide. 

Toni scruntched her nose at me.  "Should you?  Of course you should!  What kind of silly thing is that?"

My fingernails scratched into my palm.  "I don't know.  Maybe, he does not like me any more.  Maybe I am too late.  Late enough to turn back-"

"Nonsense!" Toni gave me a small shove. "Go up.  I know he will be happier to see you than not."

Even though my heart swayed in my chest, I followed her advice and went to up the table.  "Hey, Dave I am sorry-"

My words were cut off when I saw Dave's eyes lit up.  A huge smile came across his face as he stood up and collected me in a hug.  "Oh, Divy." I am so glad to see you.  "I was worried you were not going to show up after what happened today.  I am so glad you came.  Here sit down."

He motioned to the booth and I slid in.  I cleared my throat and tried my apology again.  "I am sorry I am late.  I kind of got stuck in a bit of traffic-"

Dave waved his hand.  "No. No.  It should be me apologizing for my behavior.  I do not know were to begin.  It just this situation has put a strain on me."

I shook my head.  "No.  It is okay.  Do not worry.  Honestly, I have been so tight and freaked out lately.  I can hardly relax and enjoy myself and my company."

My mouth dropped at the words I said.  Why was I so open?  Was it the comfortable way that Dave said or his actions?  Was it because I was finally breaking underneath the stress?  Whatever the reason I felt a small relief from some of my true feelings coming out.

Dave gave a small smile.  "I know that things have been crazy weird and I am quite certain we both might be criminally insane for the reason we met." His voice was smooth and comfortable.  My nerves started to become at ease.  "But, could we treat tonight as if we were just friends who met through normal circumstances?"

I smiled and looked down at my hands.  I glanced back up when my heart beat began to slow down again.  "I'd like that."

Toni came up to us with a smile on her face.  That tray was still underneath her arm.  "Could I get you guys are drink?"

Dave looked at her.  "I would like a hot tea, please."

Shaking her head, Toni teased.  "Where are your manners, young man?  You know it should be ladies first.  But, yes you shall your tea."

"Thank you."

"And for you, ma'am.  What can I get you?"

I shrugged.  "I will just have a water."

Toni smile at us.  "Alright you two, I will get those to you soon and I will come back to take your order." Joy sparkled in her eyes.  "See you soon!"

After Toni sped off, Dave set his eyes back on me.  "My, I like that outfit." He said.  "It is very eclectic."

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