a different perspective

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months later, with todoroki by bakugous side, bakugou stayed home wondering what his life would be like if he hadn't left that night, if he hadn't felt that way, if he wasn't kidnapped, if he didn't join UA, if he didn't meet todoroki..

it was just like any other night, bakugou sat in his room as his mom yelled from the kitchen how nothing ever gets done around the house. After his dad had left from not being able to deal with Mitsuki anymore it was just the two of them on their own. he had the option to live with his dad but he didn't want to leave home. bakugou thought about leaving the house to go walk around town. At night the city lights were bright and the view from the bridge was amazing. instead he laid back and closed his eyes lifting a hand onto his face covering his mouth so his mom wouldn't hear the sobs from his room. he couldnt take this feeling anymore it was growing bigger and bigger, he was afraid it would explode, just like him. he began to think maybe that's all he is known for, exploding. nothing else. just the bad guy, the bad guy who hated everyone and thing. but that wasn't true, society shaped him into this bad person when in reality, he felt he wasn't good enough. he had to be the best, no one would look down on him. that's not how it went for him though. he sat up unable to process what was happening. he got up walking towards his door, pressing his ear against it he could hear his mom crying. he would go down there and comfort her, but she didn't want him to see her like this. he just yelled he was going to take a shower. he sat in the tub as the warm water hit his clothes that were still on for some unusual reason. his eyes shut. his mind empty. he wanted this to end. he was afraid. afraid of death, life, breathing, success, failure, pain, love. he was scared. he felt alone. no one was there for him. he was truly alone. the old friends he did have were jerks. he was a jerk but he was scared. he sat in the shower for hours not bothered by anything going on in the real world outside. who cared though? he was only worried about himself but not in a bad way, but in a way that everyone does, because we have this feeling that overwhelms us. he wanted to make change in the world, but he didn't have the strength. he wanted to lose this battle he was in, but he was scared. he had nothing to live for, no one. not even his self. yet he couldnt, he was scared. scared of what was on the other side waiting for him. wondering if there was even anything on the other side, he didn't understand the whole death processing thing. no one did. it remained a mystery. he couldnt keep walking around with a fake smile on his face. he couldnt get help because he wont depend on drugs to make him feel better. he wanted to but he couldnt. he wasn't going to be dependent on prescript drugs. he wanted to make change, start a new life. but change was so hard and a lot of work.

he got out the shower and left his soggy clothes in the tub. he changed into new clothes and sat on his bed in his room. he turned on tv and decided to watch new sad movies he hadn't seen, he wanted to cry, he felt it was a way to pass time. he didn't even bother turning on his phone. no one ever called nominee ever texted. he couldnt go anywhere because he hated going places alone. his "best friend" was a self absorbed jerk who truly one cared about himself and his girlfriend and had no time for others, eventually he dropped bakugou because he was too weak apparently. this feeling wouldn't go away. he was only a kid, 15. as a kid he shouldn't be feeling this way. he should be having fun with friends, making dumb decisions. yet he was in his room watching sad movies just to make himself cry. yep. that was his life. who's life isn't like that? a lot apparently. people are living the dream life. which in his opinion is NOT fair. why should other people be having fun and living life and being smart when hes stuck alone. in his room. watching sad movies. nothing about life is fair, that's what sucked. being independent is never a bad thing, but it would be nice if there were some people by his side. even if he did want that, he couldnt do anything about it now. he was too busy sulking. not paying attention that he wasn't the only one in the world going through the same pain or even different pain. not paying attention to who else might need help at this very moment. not paying attention to the boy who took his own life that night. the boy who was also feeling the same way he was. the boy, the son of the number two hero. the boy who could've changed his life. if only he would've stepped foot outside that door. yet he didn't. things happen for a reason, and we miss the chances we get at times. yet were all scared. he was scared. he would never admit that to anyone but he was. Scared.

Although, that didn't happen. he went out that night, he held todorokis arm right before he jumped. he wasn't alone, he had friends, he had school, he had a family. he may have been suspended for endangering peoples lives but that didn't mean he couldnt become a great hero. even if it wasn't jumping into building fires and saving the old lady's cat from burning. yet, he was already a hero, he had already saved a life. there was no need to look at the past now because things were different. and things changed. and in this exact moment as he held todoroki close, he knew that his life was about to change forever. it was about to be, something new. 

I have decided to FINISH THE BOOK. that's right this was the FINAL CHAPTER I really do hope you guys enjoyed this story im sorry it was confusing at times, for any questions dont be scared to ask me. I will be continuing writing so dont worry! this is not the last book ever, I may even make a part two to this book. but for now, till next book!

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