Chapter 17 - move out, move in

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Evan and I transferred our conversation to the living room. He suggested to watch a movie, so now the TV's on and an old movie is playing.

I honestly can't tell what it's about since my mind is somewhere completely else, so when Evan asks me if I wanted to watch something else I just shrug and tell him „I don't care."

I try to focus on the movie again and to not be disrespectful, but when the protagonist looks constrainedly at the door and suddenly his girlfriend walks through the frame, telling him how much she missed him, and how it was a mistake to leave in the first place, I've had enough and start to doze off again.

It's been about two and a half hours now, since we noticed Izzie and Elsa left home and neither of them is answering my texts.

Maybe I'm being paranoid and maybe I'm still distrusting Elsa of not getting into my or Izzie's business, but I just have this gut feeling, that they're up to something.

„You think something's wrong, don't you?", Evan suddenly asks, causing me to snap out of my thoughts and back into reality.

„You know me too well", I speak while looking at the front door, as if Izzie and Elsa would appear like in this stupid movie.

„I bet everything's fine", Evan tries to reassure me and awkwardly pets my shoulder, a wry smile on his face.

„Yeah, probably...", I say, turning my head back to the TV.

After some time a key is pushed into the keyhole and I turn my head so abruptly my neck cracks and Evan physically cringes at the sound of it.

„You know I hate when you do that!", he whines.

„And you know I'll do it anyway. But this time it was not on purpose", I say, giving him a weak apology.

The door opens and Sam walks in.

His gaze wanders around the room and eventually lands on Evan.

„Oh hi Evan", he says, taking a few steps closer to us.

„I'm sorry to tell you this, but Zahid and I are homies again. He unhomied me, but I never unhomied him, so we are friends again. Which means I don't need you as a new Zahid."

Evan knits his brows and closes his eyes, trying his best to suppress a chuckle.

„It's okay, buddy... I mean... that's not why I'm here, but I'm very happy to hear you're friends with Zahid again", Evan gives Sam a genuine smile and Sam gives him his best „I don't really want to, but I know it's inappropriate not to smile right now"-smile.

„Why are you here then?", Sam straight up asks, without any sense of sensitivity.

I step in for Evan and answer Sam's question: „He wanted to get some stuff he had left here and hang out."

„Okay", is everything he answers. This conversation is apparently over for him, so he gets over to the armchair and sits down.

„I heard you want to move out?", Evan tries to start a new conversation.

Sam looks up again, locking eyes with Evan: „Yes, Zahid and I have found a flat pretty close to my campus. We'll move in next week", he says, as if it isn't a big deal to move out next week already.

„You're moving out next week?!", I jump up from the sofa I was sitting on.

„Yes, I told you we're looking for a flat and that I will move out. Why do you act like those are news to you?", he asks in confusion.

I get over to him and softly punch him on the arm.

„Ow! What was that for?!", Sam shouts more than he speaks, rubbing his left upper arm with his right hand.

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