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lilia walked to rehearsals with a jacket wrapped tightly around her. she was freezing.

it was the middle of october and it was getting very cold very quickly in new york.

lilia was was sad about the coldness, but when the coldness came she knew that meant her birthday was also coming.

lilia was born on november 3rd and she couldn't wait for her seventeenth birthday.

she felt like there was such a difference with being sixteen and being seventeen.

she hoped people would start treating her more like an adult.

lilia was so nervous about meeting the pianist today.

she was nervously picking at the fingers the whole time she was walking to the studio. she hated feeling like this.

she hated her old habit as well, she hated how her fingers would look afterwards.

lilia opens up the door to the studio and walks to the room where she would be training today, she opens the door to see mr.styles sitting there looking at some type of sheet music.

when he hears the door open, he looks up to lilia.

a wide smile comes across his face, "lilia, you're a bit early today, love."

lilia shakes her head,

"no, sir, you told me to be here at nine, that's what time the pianist agreed to isn't it?" she asks.

"oh my apologizes, i must've told you the wrong time, i meant nine thirty." he responds, starting to step closer to the young girl.

"that's okay, i think i may just go ahead and get something to eat across the street then. i don't want to bother you." lilia responds but mr. styles is already extremely close to her by the time she finishes her sentence.

"nonsense, you would never be a bother to me, lilia please stay." he says while going to grab her hand.

she quickly jerks back and begins to get closer to the door, "i'm actually really hungry, i'll be right b-" she says as she opens the door but bumps into someone.

sheet music goes flying everywhere and she immediately feels her cheeks warm up.

"oh goodness, i am so, so sorry. i had no idea you were walking in, i feel so horrib-"

"lilia?" she hears a familiar voice question.

she looks up and her eyes are met with his, a mixture of green and gray.

"timothée!" she exclaims and wraps her arms around him.

she had never been so excited to see someone before, she just couldn't help herself.

she needed to feel him.

"oh, well hello to you too." he says with a laugh while wrapping one arm around the tiny girl, the other arm holding his music.

as soon as he wraps his arm around her she lets go, on her way out of the embrace, she pats his chest.

she felt awkward, she barely knew this boy yet she couldn't help but feel relieved that he was the one to walk through the door.

"are you going to be my pianist?" she asks happily.

"it seems like i am actually." timothée replies with a smile.

lilia only smiles back to him. she is mesmerized by this boy.

she cant take her eyes off of him. hes just too beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2020 ⏰

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