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Seungmin's POV

I groaned loudly as I lie on my bed thinking about what had happened. I went straight home after I left her there. Did she went home already? What if she just cried there and wait until someone comes for her?

I shook my head. This isn't kindergarten. Surely she wouldn't do that anymore, right?

I groaned again. Did I really need to say all that to her? We could've talked without all those tears flowing. We looked like idiots. I pictured her face again when she nodded as she remembered what I'm talking about. She looked really sorry and I somehow know she didn't mean to forget everything but she didn't apologize and that's all I wanted to hear. Does she even care about it?

I shouted this time. It was years ago! Does it still matter? A lot of things changed already, why can't my feelings for her do?

A knock sounded on my door. "Honey, are you alright?" It was mom.

"I'm okay." I answered.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She said.

"No!" She probably just want to pry on what had happened.

"Are you sure?"

"Mom, please."

"Then keep it down. It's late." She said and I heard her footsteps backed away.

My phone rang after a few seconds. Who could be calling at this hour? I reached for it and answered without looking at the caller ID.


"I've been calling you multiple times! Why aren't you answering?" It was Yechan.

"I'm sorry. I left my phone at home."

"At home? Why did you go home without returning my bikes?" I quickly stood up from my bed. Oh right, the bikes! "You know I won't  sleep until you return them. It's nearly midnight!"

"Uhm..yeah. I'll return them right now." I said hesitantly but he must've sensed something wrong. Where the hell did we left it?

"Please tell me you have at least taken them home with you."

"Yeah, of course." I said but I know he wasn't convinced as I heard him sigh at the other end of the line. "Please calm down for a bit. This isn't something to panic about."

"I'm completely panicking right now!"

"Okay, okay." I said as I went out my room. "I'm on my way to find them."

"So you lost them?"

"What, no!" I lied but my head is already spinning on what had happened the whole night, trying to remember where they are. "I mean, go to them."

"Where in the world did you left them?" As he said it, I suddenly remembered.

"Meet me at McDonald's right now." I hang up, went to my parents' room and told them where I was going. I ran out the house as fast as I can and head to McDonald's.

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