Chapter Four

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

MANY NIGHTMARES HAD PLAGUED MARINA'S DREAMS IN THE COURSE OF A FORTNIGHT. Different dreams every few days. The first set revolved around the Imps demanding that she find a King. She probed her own mind and the Maester's library to try and figure out which king she needed to find. Eddard Stark is still king regardless of his position in King's Landing, and, as far the North knows, he is alive. The only other kings that she could think of is King Baratheon and the Night King.

Marina's hand moved to her wrist, an involuntary action she did whenever he came to mind.

The second set was harder to understand. She saw Bran, taller and more slender; not the boy he she see's now. He was sitting in the dark, his pupils white and sweat glistening against his forehead. Every time his eyes returned to their natural brown, he seemed to look in Marina's frozen direction. Each and every time she would wake up panting.

The final nightmare that she had received, just last night, was the darkest. Lady Stark and Robb were in a dining hall that had been arranged for an event. Men lined the walls, some northern Starks and others from another house. Marina could see someone holding onto Robb, she could hear pleads and wails of both men and women. But the hardest thing to watch was Robb, in the center of it all, gasping for breath and gurgling on his own blood.

"Marina" A voice called out into the night.

The sorceress looked over her shoulder at Robb Stark, alive and well, tailed by his direwolf. The larger wolf joined Summer next to Marina's feet where she sat on a log, staring at the Godswood tree. When she realized that it was only him, she turned back around. She noticed he is dressed in his hunting clothes and draped with his large winter cloak.

"What? No 'My Lord' this time?" He teased before joining her on the log.

Marina smiled softly. "Your mother's lapdog isn't here" she reminds him, "No doubt he'll tell her all about my lack of formalities when he speaks to her again"

"What? Theon?" Robb asked to which she nodded her head in confirmation. "He's not as bad as you make him out to be. I trust the man with my life just as I do with you, I think he's earned after all these years."

"That's not something you should be giving others so willingly, Robb. Theon has done nothing to earn your trust. He is a ward, a prisoner taken from his homeland to serve under Eddard Stark. He treats you all the way he does because he has to, he is forced to. Your father has no claim to me. I am not a bastard and I am not a prisoner. I'm here because I want to be here. Your father made me a protector so that your mother didn't throw me back into the woods. I do not have to protect you or your siblings, but I do so because I want to."

Robb frowned, confused. "So I shouldn't trust Theon? Or you?"

"Trust whoever you'd like, Robb, just don't give it away so carelessly. You'll soon find out just how corrupt men can be when your back is turned. When their lives are on the line you'll learn just how expendable your life is to them. Men are quick to destroy anything in their path to achieve their own happiness. Theon is no different, I am no different. I want nothing more than to see you all prosper, and remain healthy and strong. I pray for the soul brave enough to cross my path when it comes to you all."

Witch of Winterfell*Game of Thrones*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن