Chapter 6

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Are you happy now?

Izuku's POV

It was at least a twenty minute walk before I reached a river. The waters were crystal clear, and fish darted about among the rocks. It was beautiful. I found the tree I was looking for. It was a large oak. The branches near the center of the top formed a small seat, the perfect size for me. I climbed up to that seat and settled in.

After ten minutes of decisive thought, I removed my hoodie, took off my binder, and then put my hoodie back on, shoving the binder in my pocket. I didn't plan on going out into civilization, and the only people that I would see anytime soon already knew my secret, so having the extra discomfort when I was trying to calm down was just pointless.

I wasn't mad at ochako. I didn't have the strength to be mad at anyone but mineta. She thought it would be a funny dare that would start the path to the more "questionable" dares. She didn't mean for anything to happen. She was unaware, and I couldn't be mad at her for not knowing the secret I didn't want her to know.

I mentally slapped myself. I didn't want to think about this stuff. I tried to still my mind and empty it of all thought. I started to count in my head.











I kept going, speaking each number aloud. I was doin lost in the counting, focusing on nothing but the numbers and my task.

264 words.

So, someone said that they will hunt me down if I don't update again. I'm not angry, I found it hilarious, but isn't hunting me down if I don't post a chapter redundant? If you did hunt me down and kill me because I didn't write a chapter, I wouldn't be here to write any chapters.

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