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Harley let her eyes slip to the man owning the Chocklit Shoppe. Pop was cleaning off of the register counter with a damp towel within his grasp. She had been meaning to ask him something and now was a great time.

She excused herself from Reggie and the boys, squeezing her way out of the booth. She halted infront of the counter, offering Pop a friendly smile. "Harley, my favorite customer, what can I do for you?" She grinned at the compliment. She spent a hell of a lot of time here. She was unsure why, she just did. It made her feel at peace and made working on school work a whole lot easier.

"I was wondering if there's an open position." She didn't know how she hadn't thought about it sooner. She needed some cash, some self earned, and it would give her an excuse to stay away from home. She was fairly certain Jughead needed some space from her seeing as he was staying at hers for the foreseeable future. Now he could lounge at her house without feeling guilty that she was steering clear just for his sake.

"Actually, there is." She grinned widely. "And I'll make an exception. I won't interview you, on one condition." She nodded for him to go on. "You take the night shift tonight." Knowing damn straight she would be exhausted for school tomorrow, she still accepted.

"What time do I start?"


Her shift started in an hour. Harley had hurried home, ditching Reggie and the others. When she stumbled into her room, Jughead had a near heart attack, thinking it was one of her parents.

"You can't do that, fuck." He exclaimed, hand on his heart. She ignored him, hurrying to touch up her make up. If she was going to be there all night, she was going to at least look a slight bit presentable.

"What're you in such a rush for?" He questioned, placing the book he had been reading on the bed side table. He slipped off of the bed, tailing behind her as she rummaged through the room. "What are you looking for?"

"My DS." She replied, rummaging around for the old gaming console. Her phone had little to no games, and she never found the time to actually download any fun ones. Seeing as Pop's probably would be empty throughout the night, she decided that the small gaming device would do for a distraction. "And I'm heading over to Pop's. Geez, where's my jacket?"

She pulled open a drawer, letting out a sound of triumph as she spotted the white device. Then, she started her search for a jacket. It was impossible to find anything in this mess. Harley made a mental note to clean it up when she got back. Or sometime she didn't feel lazy.

"Here you can borrow mine." Jughead said, handing the denim jacket to her. She accepted it, quickly shrugging it on. "Why are you going to Pop's at this time, anyways? I figured we could watch a movie or something."

Harley shot him an apologetic look, placing her phone, keys and DS in the pocket of his jacket. Boy clothes always did have bigger pockets. "Pop gave me the job. You know, the one I've been going on about these last two weeks." She reminded. "Besides, you could do with some alone time. I know I'm getting tired of you." She joked, earning an eye roll and a playful jab to the ribs.

"Fine, but I'm hungry." He whined. Harley entered her bathroom for a moment, exiting with her lipgloss in hand.

"There's food downstairs. Mom's out of town for business or whatever, and I'm pretty sure my dad's already in bed. Just try not to make too much noise." He nodded.

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