Chapter 10: Competition Part 1

Start from the beginning

“Katniss you can trust me.” her eyes search mine and I know she’s thinking about it. Just a little more. 

I rest my forehead against hers and close my eyes. I want to capture her lips in mine. Hell, I want her to be mine.

“I screwed up Cato” she says and I can hear the tears in her voice that don’t spill. “They’ll kill them. They will have to pay for what I did and it’s all my fault. I was irritated; they weren’t paying attention to me. I wasn’t thinking. How could I be so stupid?” she looks like she’s about to fall apart. 

“Katniss, shh, it’s going to be okay. Now tell me what happened.” I demand with concern.

“I shot an area at the gamekeepers.” her voice is quiet. Wait, she what? I drop my hand and stand shocked. “You what?”

She talks fast. “Well not at them actually. At an apple where they were eating at pig. They weren’t paying attention to me at all after I shot perfectly. Well the second time. I never miss. They laughed and turned away. I was so angry and irritated. I just left afterwards.

Oh no! I left without being dismissed. What if they take it out on my family. What if they have them killed and then kill me. What if-“ I cut her off and embrace her. 

God she feels so damn good in my arms. I almost melt but remember the situation. 

What she did was awesome but not good in her book. I was now worried for her.

If they killed her sister, she would lose hope and not even try or care to fight in the games.

Wait, did she say shooting? She’s good with a bow and arrow?

“It’s okay Katniss. They won’t kill your sister. They can’t. It’s going to all work out. We’ll just have to wait and see. Okay? Just breath and relax for now. It could be nothing.”

I coax her face and tell her soothing words. 

She seems to calm down a little. I smirk at her. “So, you can shoot?” I ask while giving her a smile. 

She starts to smile and then her eyes go wide and panic shows across her face. What’s with showing all these emotions. She normally isn’t like this.

“Oh my god! Haymitch is going to kill me!” she steps away from me. No. Come back.

Wait she thinks I’m going to tell. “No, no, Katniss I won’t tell anyone. I promise. My lips are sealed. Don’t worry.”

“No, you know now. You’ll use that to your advantage.” she says and takes steps back. 

“No! Katniss I won’t. I’m going to-“ but she cuts me off as she takes off running towards the elevators. 

“Katniss wait!” I call back but she’s already in the elevator. Damn it! Why can’t I have her back in my arms.  “I want to protect you Katniss. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” I say with determination. 


We’re sitting in the television area. I watch I see my name and picture flash on the screen.

A ten shows up and I grin. That’s right. That’s right.

Clove shows up next and she receives the same score. Ugh. Whatever. 

I don’t care about any of the others scores. I think about Katniss and how angered and scared she was. I wish I could be there with her through this.

Lover boy shows up and he manages to get an eight. Hmph. Not too bad. I expected worse.

Then Katniss shows up and the worry returns. If she gets a lower score people will think she’s worse and her sponsors won’t help her out. 

I sign. I’m nervous but no matter what, I’ll be there for her. I will fight and protect her until my last dying breath. I promise her that. 

She appears on the screen and I almost smile at her beautiful face. God. I sound so whipped.

I push my thoughts away and focus and what I see is something I could not believe. Well I guess I could believe it but I’m surprised to feel such anger.

An elevan appears on the screen and Clove and I shoot right up. We both say the same thing. 

“What the hell!?”

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