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Jisoo:Hey Y/N there's someone who wanted to see you

???:Hi,princess how's it going?
Y/N:Oh hey taehyun,what's up?

Taehyun:Can't i visit my own sister?

Y/N:Adopted sister to be exact.Whats wrong?You never came to visit except when you have probelms🤨*keeps punching the sandbag*

Taehyun:Haha Y/N still the same smart ass and savage girl.Well this time i don't have probelms but I have news to tell you.Do you wanna listen to the good or bad first?

Y/N:Can you not be so childish😑Just spill..

Taehyun:Fine I was just joking okay? The good news is I've gotten you guys banana milk and pizza😁(Y/N's favourite things)The bad news is .......Bangtan gang is working together with Dragon Gang for some unkniwn reason.

Y/N:They what?!!How can they betray they betray the mafias and go to a lame group that protected the betrayal?!They dumb?!

Taehyun:*sigh*I know right,magically the betrayal is Dragon Gang's dad.I got the info from my friend Soobin which is Choi family's second son.They are also going to be kick out of the mafias soon.I guess your mission is going to be a lot messier than you think..Should I help?

Y/N:There's no need to*taking gloves off*,i can do this by myself,they are going to regret their decision for leaving the mafias.Im calling Baek and we're going now,I'm not gonna let them get away with this*gaze darkens*


Taehyung:Bless you hyung.

Jimin:I bet someone's talking bad about you hyung....Did you do anything bad?

Rap monster:Maybe someone knew about the betrayal of our group....but that fast?we've just gone through the meeting with Dragon Gang...

Jungkook:Hyung can I ask why are we working with the gangsters and helping to protect the betrayal?

Yoongi:Well it's a long story but Dragon gang's leader is my long lost unknowned brother,so i decided to go with the gangsters because mafias are not in my blood(it isn't in my blood😂,nah jk)plus my 'dad' is not a betrayal he is doing this for the gangsters, for OUR good.The mafias made my family spilt apart and even kill my mother. I'm not going to work with  murderers.

Jin:As you say so,we can't stop you even if we want to.


Jungkook:What's wrong hyung?you looks like a grandpa when you suddenly go into thoughts.

Yoongi:Yah I'm too young to be one.Just don't you think Y/N is a bit weird these days?

Jungkook:Oh you mean the nerdy girl that suddenly change into a hot girl 🤔What are you interested in her?

Yoongi:You wish,I saw her talking to Nayeon after school and hid at the corner to listen to what they are saying but I failed.Idk what she said to Nayeon but it made her shiver and she just left her like that,her eyes looks like she could kill.....Not any normal girl would have a kind of gaze like that..

Jimin:Maybe she's just pissed of by her fake attitude and decided to teach her a lesson?

____________________________________------Dragon Gang leader POV------
DG leader:Wow that's easier than I thought,that Yoongi really thinks I'm his long lost brother.Hahaha,it seems like our plan is going well dad....

DGL's dad:Yes,the gangsters will soon rule over across the world and the mafias would be nothing..Jisung-ah promise that you will finish the plan.

Jisung:Appa,I promise you.They would pay for mom's death...Don't worry i promise you will be safe here now that we have Bangtan to help*assuring smile*


???:You wish dumb ass.
____________________________________Well that's the end for this chapter,Yoongi is in the gangsters side now🤔What will happen next? We will leave it to the next episode😅Hope you guys enjoyed it and goodbye my fellow reader👋

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