That's all Jeongguk really needed.

Sometimes they sacred him though, his thoughts. So dangerous in all their omniscience. Things that he shouldn't really be wondering about but found himself doing so anyway. The majority was swarmed with his poetic analysis, he'd be evaluating some sonnet in his head by Elizabeth Barret Browning while he was being slammed against a wall and treated like a play toy. A distraction at its finest.

He had no choice really, unless he wanted to enjoy it. He never did. Never enjoyed anything anymore.

"Gguk." Park Jimin spoke next to him. They were lying in bed beside eachother, their shift had just ended and his friend had decided to join him and his philosophical endeavour. Again, too much time on their hands had you doing things like that.
"What do you think the world would be like if we were at the top?"

The top. It seemed so far away.

Jeongguk let out a soft scoff, his hands laced together on his stomach as he gazed up at the cracked plaster of the white washed ceiling above. There was so much that he could say to that, any other day he would. He'd voice his thoughts about the corruption that prevailed in this ugly society, he'd tell Jimin to stop asking stupid questions that he already knew the answer to, he'd laugh with him despite his aching throat and the tears in his eyes that blurred his useless vision.

Sometimes, he wished he couldn't see. It'd make things a whole lot easier, it'd keep his emotions at bay. He'd only have to worry about what he smelled, those potent scents that the men wore and the sickeningly sweet perfumes that choked him from the women. It was much better than seeing their faces, staring into their eyes, watching them use his body like a tool and discard of him. Far easier than seeing them above him.

On top.

"It'd be hell." He deadpanned. The truth. The world would be hell if Jeon Jeongguk was on top, things would be ten times worse than what they currently were. It was bad enough and he doubted that people would want it to get any worse.

"You're going there." Jimin mused. Going where? Oh, yes. He certainly was. "To the top."

"You say that like I want to." The younger said quietly.

"Who wouldn't?" Jimin smiled incredulously. This was a game to him, Jeongguk knew that he'd give anything to be in his position right now. Give anything to live the high life.

He didn't get it.

"You don't?" The boy despised the shock in his voice. Why would he? He didn't want to leave and be part of something he didn't deserve. It didn't matter that he had no say in it. He didn't want to leave his friends and his 'family' or whatever they were to him. They were closer than anyone he'd had in his life. "Of course you don't."

Jeongguk smiled as Jimin answered his own question. Yes, of course he didn't.

"I don't see it the way others do and I probably never will." He swallowed the lump in his throat, gaze fixated on the beam of light that spilled from the door that stood slightly ajar.

He always did this; this was how Jeongguk would spend his Friday night, alone and wallowing in his self pity. Park Jimin deemed it necessary that he joined him, convinced that he'd slump far too deep into his depression if he didn't give him some company, he was wrong but Jeongguk was too tired to tell him that so the boy let him share his bed and his dangerous thoughts. He couldn't keep everything to himself in this world.

"I'm sure things will be fine, don't worry."

"I'm not concerned about myself, I'm concerned about you and Jin hyung, are you going to be alright?" Jeongguk had emotions, Jeongguk cared a lot. He showed it reluctantly but there were times that he failed to hold back. He turned his head to look into his best friend's pretty eyes.

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