After a moment or two of silence, Becca realized that both Betty and Kevin were studying her closely, as if gauging her reaction to the news. Her face became an emotionless mask.

"Okay Betty, thanks for letting me know," The dark-haired girl nodded once, before turning down the hallway to her next class.

The two exchanged a curious glance before departing as well.


The rest of the week went by slow, slower than Becca could imagine.

Elio and her had been texting frequently since La Bonne Nuit's opening, and he claimed, after she asked about Sweet Pea's little comment, that he didn't know what the Serpent was talking about. He'd merely went to the bar to get their drinks and, according to him, Sweet Pea had instigated an argument.

Becca wasn't sure she believed him, but she couldn't find a reason not to.

That night, Reggie and her were supposed to go over the other developments in their investigation. She still didn't know how Penny and the Ghoulies nor G&G fit into the mystery. But, eventually, she'd connect the dots. One way or another, she had to. Guilt still wracked her heart over her father's so obvious infidelity, but at this point, her mother would have to wait. At least until she had concrete proof and a way to make sure no one got caught in the crossfire.

The moon hung low in the night sky when her brother finally joined her on their shared balcony.

"I think I have some confirmation on the whole G&G thing," She heard Reggie's voice say from behind her.

"Really? I haven't-"

As Becca turned around, she realized exactly what Reggie's 'confirmation' was. His right eye was red and starting to swell slightly, a frozen bag of peas gripped in his fist. No doubt, the skin would be black and blue by tomorrow morning.

"Reggie!" She gasped, leaping forward to get a closer look, "What...what happened? Who did this to you?"

Somehow, she already knew the answer before he opened his mouth.

"Who do you think?" He asked dryly, wincing slightly as she brushed her fingers across it, "Ow, jeez take it easy will ya?"

"Sorry," She mumbled out an apology, still taken aback from the injury, "Why did he...why?"

The dark-haired girl could barely get out the question, feeling tears pooling in her eyes already. She refused to let them fall though, not now, not here.

"He and mom were arguing over something stupid and I just got angry, I guess," He tried to explain, "The nerve he has to still be a piece of shit to mom after watching him make out with that Penny bitch..."

Her brother shook his head, his fists clenching and unclenching at his side as he continued, "As soon as he left for his study, I confronted him about the G&G thing. Don't worry, he doesn't know I know about him and Penny."

He gave a bitter chuckle and pointed at his injury, "And then, this happened. Told mom I got in a fight after school at Pop's."

Becca's fists clenched at her sides and through her tears, she immediately saw red. Her father had made a promise that he wouldn't hurt Reggie as long as she did what he asked. He'd broken it and she'd make him pay dearly for it.

Then, suddenly, an idea came to her.

"Did dad look like he was going anywhere?" She asked suddenly, her eyes flickering towards him.

Reggie's eyebrows furrowed, "I mean I overheard him say to mom that he had an emergency SoDale meeting with Hiram tonight, but other than that..."

Her brother caught on to her hidden meaning, quirking an eyebrow, "Why do you ask?"

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