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Zemo was in the same pod that Bucky had been in. And even though he was arrested, he won. He tore apart the Avengers. Since I helped turn in Zemo, I got immunity. I wasn't going to be arrested. But I was forced to retire. Which I was planning on doing anyways. I retired. For now. Because when the world needs the Avengers again, I'll be there to help patch them up. I'll always be there.

Rhodey was permanently paralyzed from the waist down. He had to use robotic tech around his legs. But he wasn't doing too horrible. He wasn't miserable.

Everyone else on Team Cap was still in jail. Steve is breaking them out as we speak. Bucky, Steve and I are leaving for Wakanda tonight. We'll be there in the morning. Saying goodbye to Bucky was going to be one of the hardest things I would ever have to do.


Bucky held my hand the entire flight. This time, he wasn't scared. This time, we just wanted to be as close as possible before we said goodbye. T'Challa and his sister were sitting to the side as Bucky, dressed in all white, sat on a medical table in Wakanda. Steve gave us a moment alone. His hand was in mine as small tears flooded my eyes. "Don't cry doll." I rolled my eyes as Bucky wiped the tears from my eyes. He only had one arm. T'Challa had someone remove the damage that had been done to his metal arm. And when he wakes up, they'll give him a new one. A better one. Bucky lifted my chin, kissing my lips softly.

"I'll miss you. Everyday." He sighs and pulls me in closer. Our faces were inches apart.

"I'll miss you so much. But this is what needs to happen." I sigh nodding. I know he's right. I kiss him, our lips moving in perfect sync. It was just like our first kiss. And we were just as in love.

Steve coughed as he walked over and I blushed wildly. Just like our first kiss. I turned back to Steve, a small smile on my face. "You sure about this?" Steve asked Bucky, looking towards the cryo-chamber.

"I can't trust my own mind. So, until they figure out how to get this stuff out of my head I think going back under is the best thing... for everybody."

Some of the doctors around help Bucky into the chamber, strapping him in. "Te iubesc." Bucky says as the chamber door starts to slide up.

"Te iubesc." I said back, just before it closed. I hear a hissing sound as Bucky's eyes close, the chamber freezing over. Steve and I walk away, both of us with sad looks on our faces. This has been a hard week. Steve and I stared out the window at Wakanda. It really is a beautiful place. T'Challa walked up behind us, standing on Steve's left.

"Thank you for this." Steve said as T'Challa put his hands behind his back.

"Your friend and my father, they were both victims. If I can help one of them find peace..." T'Challa said, shaking his head.

"You know, If they find out he's here... they'll come for him." I tell T'Challa but he just smirks, looking out the window at his country.

"Let them try."


I checked the address Tony had sent me one last time before I walked down the hallway. Finding the room number, I knocked on the door. "Well... I hope you got a few good licks in." I heard a woman say, just before she opened the door. She had no idea who I was, but I knew who she was.

"Hi. I'm here about the September Foundation. Tony sent me." I reach my hand out for her to shake. "I'm Clara Williams." The woman shook my hand.

"I'm May Parker. Please come in." She moved to the side and let me in, smiling at me.

She wasn't much older than me, probably in her mid-30s. She had long brown hair that fell to her mid-back. She had brown eyes that reminded me of my father. A small smile rose to my face as she closed the door behind us. "I am actually here to talk to your nephew. Is he around?"

"Yeah, he's just in his room." She walked into the kitchen and grabbed an ice-pack. "Can you give him this please, while you're in there?" I smile and nod at her. I took the ice pack from her and walked towards his room. I grabbed the watch from my back pocket, taking it out as I stepped into his bedroom, closing it behind me. He looked at me with big eyes, obviously nervous. I tossed him the ice-pack and he mumbled a thanks as he put it on his head.

"I'm Clara. Tony sent me. It is very nice to meet you Peter Parker." I tossed him the watch, which he grabbed. He fiddled with it for a second before a red light lit up the ceiling. We both looked up, grinning as we saw the Spider-Man mask. He looks back at me. "Are you ready for this kid?"


or rather


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