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Steve was ahead of us, coms in our ears as Steve created the distraction. We had to lure them all out so we could make a run for it. I watched as Tony and Rhodey, both suited up, dropped from the sky, landing in front of Steve. Then T'Challa leaps out from wherever he was hiding, landing near Steve as well. I wasn't listening to their conversation, knowing they wouldn't listen anyways. I saw Nat step out from behind Steve and my eyes went wide. I didn't really realize that she was on Tony's side. But what really catches my eye is when this guy in a red and blue onesie back flips, landing on top of the helicopter, tying Steve's hands together with some sort of webbing as he grabs the shield from Steve. Who the hell is that guy? When I heard his voice, he sounded like a kid. Like a teenager.

I hear the desperation in Tony's voice as he begs Steve to surrender, but we won't. "We found it. Their Quinjet's in hanger five, north runway." I hear Sam say through the coms. Time to kick some butt and get out of here. Steve holds his hand up as Clint shoots an arrow, through the webbing. Sam was with Bucky and Wanda was with Clint. I ran out of my hiding spot,sharing a look with Scott was on Steve's shield, waiting for his cue. Which Steve just gave. Scott grows large - which was a pretty cool trick - flipping backwards as he handed Steve his shield back. Rhodey and Tony start flying, Tony flying to where Wanda and Clint were. Rhodey was going to get Bucky when Steve threw his shield at him. T'Challa ran after Bucky. Steve and I ran after T'Challa. Steve threw his shield at him, knocking him down. I jumped on top of him, throwing him over my shoulder. He just rolled, and glared at me. Steve and I stood in front of him, stopping him from getting anywhere near Bucky.

"Move, Captain. I won't ask a second time." T'Challa ordered us.

"You'll have to kill me first." I growled. T'Challa threw himself at us, Steve blocking him with his shield.

I see the kid in the onesie, jump onto the glass, following Bucky and Sam. What is this guy? Some spider-kid? I look around, seeing Tony shooting at Clint and Wanda. T'Challa hits me, while I am in my state of unawareness. I quickly snap back into focus, fighting off T'Challa's claws. He then claws at Steve's shield leaving claw marks, which I didn't know was possible. T'Challa knocks Steve down and turns back to me. I refuse to take out my gun. Fighting hand to hand combat, I see Rhodey hit Steve's shield with something and some sort of energy is emitted. Steve does a back-flip and throws me his shield to fight off T'Challa as he fights off Rhodey. I hit T'Challa with the shield, knocking to the ground. I throw the shield back to Steve who uses it to hit Rhodey, breaking his mace. Scott tosses Steve a toy truck and gives him a small circular device. "Throw it at this. Now!" Steve throws it and the truck enlarges, tumbling towards Rhodey. Wow ok. The truck lands and explodes. The three of us run off, the rest of the group catching up with us as we spot the quinjet. My baby.

A fizzing stream of energy slices across the runway and they stop. A guy in a green suit and red/violet skin is floating above us. "Ok. Who's this guy?" I yell out, throwing my arms in the air as we are forced to stop running.

"Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good you must surrender now." Tony and his team stand in front of us. I was hoping it wouldn't come to this.

"What do we do, Cap?" Sam asks. Bucky stood next to me as we shared a look. We just had to get to the jet.

"We fight."

Our two teams walk towards each other, determination etched on their faces. Everyone breaks into a sprint. Steve blocks a punch as Tony lands. Clint fires an arrow at the weird robot guy. Rhodey flies after Sam, and Bucky and I trade blows with T'Challa. An explosive arrow hits Tony. Nat throws Scott, as the spider kid swings through the air, struggling to evade vehicles projected by Wanda. Bucky lands punches on T'Challa, passing him onto me as I kick him. Clint and Natasha battle with batons. Clint pins her down with his bow. Wanda projects Natasha down. "I didn't kill your father." Bucky growls as he punches T'Challa.

"Then why did you run?" T'Challa pulls Bucky's hand off his neck, then spins around, kicking me backwards. He sprouts claws and aims for Bucky's neck, but Wanda stops his hand, then waves her arms and sends T'Challa crashing into a passenger gangway. I nod to her, thanking her silently. Spider kid swings past and Steve snaps the web with his shield. He fires webs which stick to Steve's shield and ankle. He pulls and Steve slides towards him. The kid kicks him backwards, then rolls clear. As Steve runs to get his shield, the kid webs his hands and pulls. Steve grits his teeth, spins and somersaults, propelling the kid through the air. Steve catches a web and tugs the spider kid towards him, knocking him down with the shield. The kid recovers and pulls himself up on top of a gangway. He swings down and Steve leaps to kick him backwards onto the gangway's leg. He throws his shield at the leg and the gangway falls. The kid miraculously holds it up.

I look back at Steve as Bucky helps me up. "We gotta go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now." Steve joins us.

"We gotta draw out the flyers. I'll take Vision. You two get to the jet." Steve tells us. Sam swoops down.

"No, you get to the jet! All of you!" He starts to get chased by Rhodey. "The rest of us aren't getting out of here." I bit my lip, looking back at Steve.

"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it." I hear Clint say into the coms. I hate having to leave them behind.

"This isn't the real fight, Steve." Sam says. Steve looks back to us.

"Alright, Sam, what's the play?" I ask Sam through the coms.

"We need a diversion, something big."

"I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half... don't come back for me." I look back at Bucky, confused.

"He's gonna tear himself in half?" I shrug.

"You're sure about this, Scott?" I ask him, slightly worried about this plan.

"I do it all the time. I mean once... in a lab. Then I passed out." He leaps from mobile stairs and lands on Rhodey's back as he flies past. And suddenly he's big. Like really big. Like the size of a giant. He grabs onto Rhodey's leg.

"I guess that's the signal." We start to run. We need to get out of here before we're caught.

We were almost there. Then the control tower collapses and we speed up. Wanda uses her powers to hold it up but something happens as the tower starts to collapse around us. We roll out of the way, avoiding the rubble. Nat stands in front of us. And I sigh. "You're not gonna stop." She sighs and I shake my head.

"We can't." She raises her taser and points it at as.

"I'm gonna regret this." She pulls the trigger and stuns T'Challa, who's arrived behind us. We run for the Quinjet as she keeps T'Challa at bay.

I start up the quinjet, making sure the boys are strapped in before taking off. The engines fire up and I use the guns to blast debris from the entrance. I look over my shoulder and I can see Rhodey following us. I push forward on the thrusters. Tony follows close by. And Sam behind him. I push the thrusters again and soon, they are nowhere in sight. 

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