Still Aurora followed on behind Arthur, their bodies pressed against the wall as the snuck up towards the back of The Garrison. There appeared to be no police around the back which was lucky for them but Aurora also found it incredibly stupid. If they were going to guard the front, why not the bloody back?
It seemed the police in Small Heath were lacking upstairs which is most likely why they were so easily manipulated by the Shelby's. In truth Arthur could of just walked through the front door as well as the back but Aurora wouldn't speak up. This way was much more fun.
"We can't go through the back, if their inside they'll fookin' spot us. If we come down from the roof we can lookout from the stairs" Arthur explained reading Aurora's mind.
To Aurora's surprise, Arthur's plan was in fact logical and for once she found herself agreeing with his ideas.

Reaching the back, Arthur led Aurora up to the drainpipe and smiled.
"Ladies first"
Looking up Aurora frowned, uncertain of climbing it. The thing was rotten and on the verge of collapsing.
"Arthur, what if it falls? I didn't plan on dying today" Aurora grumbled reaching out to tug on the drainpipe and test it's sturdiness. To her horror it was quite loose.
"That's why you're goin' first, if it falls I'll catch you. If I go first and it falls you can't catch me, can you love?"
"Christ fucking almighty!" Aurora cursed silently and taking in a deep breath she did the opposite of what her mind was telling her to do and began to climb.
"You're doin' wonderful sister!" Arthur called out as he scanned the area for any signs of trouble.
"Arthur, shut up!"

She had made it!
She was alive!
Getting onto her hands and knees Aurora crawled over to the edge and looked down at Arthur. She hoped he didn't fall. If the drainpipe could hold her, it could hold him. Aurora knew she weighed more than him, especially as of late. Arthur's frame seemed to be growing smaller and smaller with each passing day. Aurora's mind and heart told her there was something going on with her brother but what it was she hadn't came to know yet.
"Hurry up Arthur!" Aurora hissed out looking around frantically and placing her hand on his back in an attempt to help him on to the roof.

Laying completely flat on his stomach, Arthur looked over at Aurora and gestured for her to do the same. Aurora could feel the bits of gravel and glass on the roof cutting through her dress and into her skin as she did as he asked and like snakes in the grass they began making their way over to the window. Aurora bit down on her bottom lip to stop herself from crying out in pain, she wasn't a child. A few cuts and bumps weren't an issue, she'd had worse. Despite the minor pain Aurora found herself smiling widely.

"What's so funny?" Arthur asked reaching for his pry bar as Aurora giggled and threw her hand over her mouth.
"Arthur, we look so silly" she continued to laugh, snorting quietly through her nose causing Arthur to roll his eyes but laugh alongside her.
Aurora watched him closely, taking notes in her head on how to pry open a window just in case she ever needed to do it herself. Being in two families that Aurora was convinced loved danger, there would come a time when she needed to adopt their skills in order to get herself out of messes, their messes to be precise.

It took a few seconds for Arthur to free the window and pry it open wide enough for them to slip inside. Aurora was greatly impressed and giving him a pat on the shoulder she winked.
"Well done Arthur!"
Soon they would be in The Garrison and saving the whiskey like the hero's in a fairytale except it wasn't a fairytale, it was two adults with the minds of children attempting to steal from their own pub without being caught by the police who were on their payroll.
"Down we go Rora" Arthur grinned before disappearing from sight and into the upstairs office below.
The height of the room was small making it easier for Arthur to land without making a bang. Brushing down his suit, Arthur looked around with a satisfied look, proud of himself.
"Come on then" he chirped holding his arms up to Aurora, intent on catching her knowing her height was a lot less than his and would result in her fall making a noise.

A Shelby Mistress Where stories live. Discover now