Chapter 2

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》--• The Blind Date •--《

Aizawa was teaching us something about drugs or something. I yawned as I was up all night thinking about tonight's blind date with the class boomer. Literally, even his personality is explosive. I groaned and pulled out my phone and started texting Tsu.

no_lifu_knifu_wifu: Tsu

Froppy: Y/n we're in the middle of class

no_lifu_knifu_wifu: Yeah I know, but class is almost over.

Froppy: We could still learn things, every second is valuable!

no_lifu_knifu_wifu: We're gonna be heroes. We don't need to remember this shit.

Froppy: I'll text you after class Y/n

I groan in annoyances as I slip my phone into my pocket. I pull out piece of paper and start doodling stick figures. While doodling my amazing hero costume with my "incredible" artistic skill, I feel eyes gaze onto me, damn I know I'm pretty and all but eyes off. It's probably Mineta. Disgusting pervert how did a grapist get into the hero course to begin with. I turn behind me to see if the pest was staring at my ass or some shit but end up locking eyes with the boomer. He gives me an angry look and goes back to scribbling down notes. "fucking weirdo." I mutter before going back to doodling. 

The bell rings and I gather my stuff into my bag. I hear foot steps coming towards my desk. I stand up and see Tsu, Mina, and Yaoyorozu. "Are you ready for your big date tonight?!" Mina smiles enthusiastically. "Jesus christ no." Yaoyorozu laughs. "If you're worried you shouldn't be. It'll go great." She says calmly. "How can you even say that without vomiting. I wasn't even informed until yesterday!" I exclaimed. Tsu looked at Mina and Yaoyorozu. "Is this true?" Mina looked away and Yaoyorozu went pale. "Umm." She rubbed her shoulder nervously. Tsu put her hand on the bridge of her nose showing a face of disappointment. "Well besides this we're going to my house!" Yaoyorozu smiled walking backwards a bit. Mina responded with mhm, which was followed by a ribbit from Tsu. The three started jogging to Yaoyorozu's house. 

Once we got there Mina pulled me up to Yao's room and sat me onto a chair in front of a mirror. "Hey- what are you guys doing?" I look at them nervously. "Doing your makeup!" the color drains from my face. "I'm pretty without it can we just skip it!?" I say frantically. Yao laughs, "Not a chance." I whine while Tsu and Mina get the make up ready. This is gonna be one hellish night.

》--• Time Skip •--《

tsu held a mirror in front of me. I stuck my tongue out in disgust. Mina squealed and Yao "awed" though. They dragged me down to Yao's car. Only it wasn't a car, it was a fucking limousine. "GAH! Yaoyorozu! I didn't know you had a limo! Can we go in something a little more uhm.. casual?" Mina gawked at it. "Fat chance wouldn't want to miss out on this chance!" She smiled running towards it and jumping into the car. "She's right." Tsu smiled before going in with her. Yao dragged me into the limo and closed the door. It locked and took off. "Oh god noooo" I slumped against the door. "Y/n knowing Bakugou's priorities he'll probably be stand you up to study for the final exam next month." I groan more. "Wow being stood up by the angry cat." I whine. "Tsu!" Mina scolds. "No shes got a point Mina." I go to run my hands through my curled/straighten hair, but a dried out tongue grabs my arm. "Don't mess it up Y/n!!" Mina exclaims. Guess I'm first name material now.

 The limo stops and the door opens and I almost fall to the ground but Tsu catches me. I stand up and look towards the entrance of the mysterious destination. It was olive garden, and Bakugou was at the door looking at his watch. He was wearing a red shirt and black vest. His hair was slicked back a bit. My annoying pest friends came out of the car and went off on their own. The limo drove off and Bakugou looked at me. He walked out towards me and handed me a red rose, the thorns weren't cut off. I smile nervously, "Thanks I guess." I looked him in the eyes and he greeted mine with an angry stare. "what the fuck do you mean YOU GUESS!" He yelled, his face was red. Was he really that mad? I sigh. "Can we just go get McDonald's or something instead?" He gave me another look. "Eh??? Whats wrong with olive garden??" I walk away. "I don't wanna eat at a sit down restaurant, its too boring." He follows and sighs. "Whatever. I'm not paying for your meal." He muttered. "Sounds fine to me!"

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