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Have you ever read a book that spoke to you? Or a book that denied you of your compulsory night rests? Have you ever dreamt of Characters from a book and you wake up feeling like you were part of it all?

Well, we can say almost every reader has gone through a phase like that.

We are a community that brings out that hidden talents on Wattpad.

There has always been a book that one way or another, changed your life, a book that made you want more and more, a book that made you cry. A book that hasn't gotten the discovery that it should.

We are a community that pulls out the rare and original books! Books that you wish were on TV screens and on paperbacks, books that have a unique storyline that could become a blockbuster movie one day.

We want to fish out the hidden talents on Wattpad. We want to dive into content after content and give original books what they deserve.

There are so many writers out there, struggling to gain reads and struggling to make it to the finish line of awards and contests. (We are here for you)

Our Aims

◾We aim to connect readers with amazing books that we are very sure they'd love.

◾We aim to create a platform where each and every original books are recognized.

◾We aim to encourage people not to give up on their writing.

◾We aim to become a community that creates a whole new opportunities for budding writers.

◾We aim to take people's mind off the current global crisis, and make them sink into what they love doing best.


◾Five graphic designers who can make unique covers and are always ready to get creative. If you're interested in this, head on to our bio, and fill out the form.

◾ A team of Scouts ready to dive into any content and pull them out. (Only if you're interested in helping) head on to our bio and fill out the form.


Do you have any questions? You can check the next chapter for the frequently asked questions.

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