The curtains were drawn and Louis suddenly fell to the floor. Is he okay? I may not like him but I'm bound to care if anyone were to just collapse in front of me. I get up and pull off his mask.

in the hospital bed

"He's awake." Someone said, as he got up. No shit. Everyone started pitying him and I had to just get to the point.
"Okay, so we get it. Louis isn't going to be able to perform tomorrow, well done Louis your act was great but who is going to take his place? Louis is going to be fine so we don't have to worry about him." I suddenly said and Louis looked kind of amused and relieved that I didn't pity him.

"That was kind of harsh, Y/n."
"Well, it's the truth. We had to tell him eventually." I shrugged.
"Bill can take my place." Louis stated, everyone turned to him. So I have to kiss Bill now? I might hate Louis but I'd rather kiss him 100 times before I kissed Bill. Because I know he's a total asshole somehow even more of an asshole than Louis. I smiled at him like the fake bitch I am, I'm trying not to make any enemy's since a carnivore like him could end me in a minute. I can tell he's happy.

"I'm happy for you." I pat him on the back and leave, Legoshi followed me outside the room. "Do you want to go and get dinner? It's late and I'm kinda hungry."
"Oh um, sure."
"I'll call Haru and see if she's up for it."

I called her but she didn't reply, I can't blame her. It's pretty late.
"I guess it's just me and you then." I smiled nervously. Legoshi is a really nice guy and I love him so much because he's so awkward like me. Not to mention he's also really cute.
"Do you want to go get some mochi? I've been craving it recently." I suggested, he is making this a lot more awkward than I want it to be.
"I've never had mochi before." He said nervously, holding the back of his neck.

"Really?! It's sooo good you're going to love it! Actually, it depends if you like sweet things."
"I like a few sweet things. I'll try it."
"Okay, I know this mochi place near our school. We can go there."
"Sure." He agreed in his usual low, shy voice.


I bought the mochi and I was surprised the place was still open.
"Y/n." He called. "Aren't you scared out in the dark? With all the attacks that have happened recently?"
"I usually would, but I have you here to protect me!" I picked up a mochi with a different pair of chopsticks to mine and held it to his mouth. "Open up." He ate it and I smiled when I saw the surprise on his face.

"This is actually, really good." He said swallowing it.
"Right? I love this stuff. Honestly, healthy food is so overrated." I said eating some myself. "It's a shame Haru couldn't make it, I'm sure she'd love to have some mochi with us. But on the bright side, I got to spend some quality time with you! Also did I ever tell you that you're really adorable?" I teased, knowing that compliments made him flustered.
"No I'm not. If anyone's adorable here it's you." He mumbled.
"I assure you, I'm not adorable at all." In Japan, I know it's weird but you have to deny compliments, otherwise you're seen as big headed (tip for tourists).

We continued walking to the school dorms, eating the mochi. We had a really wholesome time together, I was constantly trying to make him laugh but all it did was fluster him or make him nervous. Does this boy ever smile? It didn't take long to get to school since the mochi place was so close to it.

When we were back, the teachers were concerned since we came back so late and, it's weird that it was a boy and a girl, to make it even worse since we were suspected of being on closer terms, omnivores and carnivores can't be together if we were we'd be judged and in a lot of trouble, just like herbivores and carnivores but not as bad.

After that night rumours went around like wildfire, I bet it was that harlequin rabbit that got mad at me for punching her since she pushed Haru. It was worth it, because I got closer with Legoshi.

Next day's rehearsals

I was in rehearsal watching Legoshi practice his fight with Bill. Legoshi wasn't happy about his role, but once they started fighting it looked so real. I wasn't sure if they were really fighting or acting, if Legoshi was acting, I'd say he's really good at it. I'm surprised he's not on the actors team.

I left with Legoshi.
"That was really good. Were you even acting?" I laughed, he didn't respond. "Bill's really nervous, although he talks a big game. He's going to need your support."
"Hm, you're right." He smiled.
"You smiled! Oh my god you smiled! You actually smile?!" I jumped up excited.
"Of course I do."
"Aww, you're so cute Legoshi. I wish you'd smile more often." I giggled and looked up. "Wow, look at that moon. Nothing special to you since you're a wolf I guess... Good luck tomorrow, you'll do great." I waved and walked away.
"You'll do great too. Bye."

As I walked back home, I think I realised something. I think I like Legoshi, in that way. But it's hopeless, wolves and humans can't be together as much as it happens in movies and books. Even if it could, Legoshi doesn't think I'm his type.

I know I'm going to see dad after school tomorrow, should I tell him about the way I feel towards a wolf? Be wouldn't be happy about it, he's always concerned for my safety.

before tomorrow's performance

I was in the girls changing room getting into costume and putting on makeup.
"Y/n are you nervous?" A girl asked me, making all of the girls turn their attention to me.
"No not at all." I answered bluntly, continuing to do my eyeliner.
"Really?! Well obviously not how you the loved, beautiful, talented Y/n be nervous? I think you're the only one who isn't scared."

"Oh don't say things like that, I'm flattered but it's really not true. You're prettier than me!" I complimented kindly.
"You really think that?! No, stop lying."
"Girls, get ready get backstage it's starting in 3 minutes!" Someone reminded and I jumped out my chair to get ready to get on stage.

Bill eventually came up next to me and held my hand. Why can't the girl be the hero? Why is he protecting me in this? But all that aside, I know that I'm going to be the actress that's keeping the audience's attention. Since Louis isn't here, a lot of girls will be disappointed but not too disappointed since they love me too >:). The show started and the curtains opened. He pulled my hand and we went onto the stage.
"I don't understand, why is the flame chasing after us?" I asked, as the play started. It all went on as planned, although the females in the audience were displeased since Louis wasn't on stage.

In the last scene Legoshi was meant to come on I patted his back and wished him luck.
"Good luck, Legoshi. You'll do great." I smiled, there was something wrong with him. He didn't reply and walked onto the stage with a feirce look on his face. Immediately, he dropped his sword and lashed at Bill. That's not in the script. I heard something drop and looked over to see what it was, a small bottle of blood. Did that drop out of Legoshi's pocket? He wouldn't.

They continued fighting and eventually Bill started fighting back.
"Someone stop them!" Someone whispered from behind me. Bill pulled Legoshi in for a hug, and continued his lines. I heard ripping and looked at Legoshi's back to see Bill scratching deeply into Legoshi's flesh. Legoshi grunted in pain, should I do something? I quickly grabbed a sword from backstage, this is off script but it's to help Legoshi.

Bill stepped on his chest and held his sword up to stab him, I quickly sprinted onto the stage to block his hit with my sword, the audience gasped and cheered. Louis came onto the stage seeming to have the same idea as me and the audience roared even louder.
Shit! What did I do? Quick, come up with something to make it work.
"Adler... Mercy please! If you love me. Take my life instead of his!" I cried. "It's not their fault, I am meant to be dead. Just take my life, like you said you would."
"Ellen!" Louis shouted and Bill turned around Louis held his sword to Bill's neck. And went to the ground and hugged Legoshi. "I know who you are. I know what sins you've committed, let me show you imposter, who the real grim reaper is. Back down if you're not prepared. Why don't you drink my blood too? If you're the real grim reaper, now leave! I have no time for imposters. " He threatened, so Bill would run off.

I whispered in Legoshi's ear. "We need to talk after this."

legoshi x reader - abnormalOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant