"Follow me." Bilbo said. We followed him, and came to a room with thirteen dwarves and an amused Gandalf. "Who are you two?" a dwarf with black hair and beard said. Abby smiled, and said "Abigail Aiken, at your service. And you are?"

"Thorin Oakensheild." he replied. "Gandalf, what are these two doing here?" "They are going to help you on your quest." Gandalf replied. "We do NOT need two females with us." Thorin growled. Abby laid a hand on my arm, sensing my anger rising. I calmed, seeing that I had nothing to prove to this dwarf.

"Well, I guess you'll have to deal with it. You can't have everything." Gandalf said. I glanced around the table, and saw a blonde dwarf looking at my sister. I caught his eye, and said with my eyes 'Don't hurt her or I'll hurt you.' He nodded, and smiled in my direction with gratitude. He continued looking at my sister.

Thorin growled. "Fine. Dwalin, if you'll hand them the contract." We signed it, and Dwalin said "Welcome to the company." Abby smiled broadly, while I sent a small one. "We leave at first light. We will not wait for you." Thorin practically growled.

I smirked internally. I would never sleep, not until these dwarves had earned my respect and trust. Although one of them had already made a good head-start on that.

They introduced themselves as Ori, Dori, Nori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bomber, Bofur, Dwalin, Balin, Kili, Fili, and Thorin.

The next day

I had indeed stayed up all night, watching as the others fell asleep. I cleaned up the hobbit hole quietly, so to make it seem like he never had any visitors in the first place. However, that Thorin dwarf just would not sleep. It wasn't until a few hours into the new day did he fall asleep. He had been watching me, and I stayed still until he had fallen asleep.

Before we left, I made sure to thoroughly wake Bilbo. My sister was with me. Abby smiled at Bilbo. "Morning sleepy-head. We gotta get going." Bilbo smiled tentatively back. "I guess I better pack, huh?" Abby nodded. "You have ten minutes. I'll help."

Later, after we had left the Shire with everybody, Abby was talking with the blonde dwarf. "So your name is Fili?" Fili nodded. "Cool! Me and my sister are really interested in hand-to-hand combat. Got any tricks to show us?" Fili looked startled. "You two fight?" Abby nodded. "Of course. We had to to make it this far."

As Fili showed us some tricks, I could feel something stare at me. I looked around, and saw a young buck following us. I got off my horse, which kept walking, and went to the buck. "Hello." I said softly. I held out my hand slowly, and he sniffed it. He looked in my eyes, and I could feel that he was telling me to get on his back. "Are you sure?" I asked softly. He nodded. He let me get on him, and then he bounded after the rest of the company.

We caught up to the rest of the company, who didn't notice us at first. Then Kili saw the buck, and his eyes widened. He poked Fili, who turned to stare at me. Abby smiled when she saw me, knowing that I felt comfortable on wild animals. I could feel the buck growing nervous underneath me, so I bent down to his ear and whispered "It's alright. I will never let them use you for meat." He relaxed at that, and walked proudly beneath me.

After a while, I could feel the buck underneath me grow restless, so I again whispered in his ear "You can bound as much as you want." The buck nodded his thanks, then started moving faster. Soon, one by one, we passed the company till we got to Thorin. I could feel the other's surprised gazes on my back. I touched Thorin's arm ever so gently, and he turned to look at me. His face filled with surprise at me riding a deer. I could tell that the buck was getting tired underneath me, so I veered off the path everyone was following, and got off. "Thank you for allowing me to ride you this far." I whispered. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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