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Regina: I miss Gretchen.

Cady: You still have me.

Regina: It's not the same. I can talk to Gretchen about things that I can't talk about with you.

Cady: Okay, well like what?

Regina: Well, for instance the annoying things that you do.

Cady: Regina!

Regina: See, I can't talk to you!


Damian: *Jumps on table* Quick, the floor is lava!

Cady: I don't understand. There are no volcanoes nearby-

Janis: *Face-plants on the floor* Ahhhh... the sweet release of death.

Damian: Dang it guys! Can't we just have one nice thing?


Cady: I don't normally download films illegally because I am an honest and hardworking person.

Janis: And she doesn't know how to.


Ms. Norbury: Why is your report card taped to the ceiling?

Cady: You said bring my grades up.

Ms. Norbury: ... You're right I did say that. Lemme see them.

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