Janis: Step one, be straight...

Cady: (Walks by)

Janis: So, I failed step 1


Damian: Cady, Janis would throw herself in front of a moving car for you.

Cady: Janis would throw herself in front of a moving car for fun...


Damian: If you were to die, what would your final words be?

Janis: 'Finally"

Damian: Janis NO


Cady: Janis is cute. I think I'm gonna ask her out.

Damian, thinking about the night before when a slightly drunk Janis was standing on the table and screaming that worms were just tiny, harmless snakes: Good, because I'm positive no one else will.


Regina: When I was born God said, "She's too perfect for this world"

Janis: Please, when you were born, Satan said, "Finally, competition"


Cady: I like this girl, and I've been dropping the most insanely obvious hints for a few months. No response.

Janis: Wow, she sounds stupid.

Cady: But she's not. She's really smart actually. She's just dense.

Janis: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Just go right out and tell her, "Hey, I love you!"

Cady: I guess you're right. Hey Janis, I love you!

Janis: See just like that!

Cady: Are you kidding-

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