Zara meets Frannie

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I miss  daddy. He used to visit us a whole lot in DC. I also prayed to see the end of  the great mommy's house and daddy's house divide soon enough.Some prayers remain unaswered. Mom got a job in California.

We travelled to NYC to ask Dad to join us. But it was complicated.  I was in the car and I saw the whole thing. I didn't hear them talk and I hate it when my parents step away. I know that it's parent talk and they'll lever let me hear any of it. I saw his arched brows and his clenched fist, a reaction I have seen too many. A whole lot even when when we were still in New York. That was after Mommy's trip from Afghanistan and they were fighting a lot. I knew, they think I don't but I felt it. Heard some hushed arguments they tried to control - but I picked some bits of it nonetheless.

Half of the kids at school are a lot like. Nothing new I guess.  

Sure he thinks I like California. The weather is fine, sunny all the time. I like our new house too, there's more room for my stuff. Mi escuela and adjustments to school numero 3 (oh yeah 3 schools in the span of three year and did I just say I'm just seven!) has been the smoothest. Dad once said, "santa ditched his sleigh and rudolph in lieu of skate board. I may have adjusted to my life is CA but... It does not mean I miss him any less.  

Spring Break in New York 

I'm thrilled counting the days thrilled to be spending spring break with Dad. Not for the love of the weather clearly. Just speding time with my Dad. My Mom will be in DC for meetings and they arranged for abuela to pick me up. Daddy says we'll take a trip and he's got a surprise for me. I wonder what could it be.

And there she was standing next to Daddy wigorously wagging his cute as stepped out of  grandma's house.

"Zara!" I heard Daddy calling. As I run and squel for to meet him he beamed,  "welcome back baby princess"  

I missed his tight hug, the kind only daddy's can give. I  missed everythin 'bout him.  But I could not keep my eyes off the dog. Daddy must have sensed it, so he broke the tight hug and introduced a golden retriever who was just as excited to see me.

"I want you to meet Frannie Mae Zara." She leaped as a I tried to pat her head, "hey Frannie!"  What a lovely surprise!  To my delight I fired away loads of questions.

"Since when did you get a dog Dad?  How old is she? I didn't know you like dogs? You never even let me have a fish or a cat at home? I remember writing down a puppy in my Christmas wishlist, not a dog."

"Whoah, all these questions in rapid succession! How about we get in the car honey we got a lot of catching up to do," Dad asked as he walked us and Frannie to the car.

She knew exactly where to sit and as Dad buckled me up I asked again, "Dad why Frannie? Who picked that name?"

"Amanda did," Dad smiled and I swear his eyes were smiling as she said her name.

"Remember her, he adds hastily when he noticed my silence, "cool girl cop I work with? We're gonna go pick her up near SVU sweetheart. Then we will all take Frannie to a dog park, the one next to an arcade you like you much. It's gonna be fun!" He announced sounding a tad too excited to the point of overselling it. 

"You dogsit for your her Daddy?" I was sorta asking the obvious but I kinda have a funny feeling about where this is going. I'm seven not four. Is my Dad dating? I wanna know but I was afraid to ask.

"We work a wholelot together and she brings Frannie from time to time" he declared as he drove away from abuela's apartment building.

It was barely an answer. I wanted to prod a little more but I am not sure if I was ready for more. Good thing Frannie was there to keep me company. Somehow sensing my apprehension, her right forearm reached out as she lay her muzzle over my leg. I let her stay as I gently rubbed her goldeb back.

While on the Road     

Amanda received Nick's we're on our way text 15 minutes ago. The wait feels like forever though. They've planned this out long before spring break. She looked forward to this. She knows she wants to meet Zara. She's been with Nick long enough for it. It too was simply a non-issue, meeting his kids and attempting to be a part of their lives without pretending to be thier moms is a necessary next step. But now that it's here...

Note to self, Amanda never say yes to anything that is asked of you post-coital. She unconciously bit her lip halfway through that mental note. Well it was more like something that came up, in between a series of mind numbing orgasms one lazy Sunday afternoon. She was poised to say yes (and please don't stop) when at the mercy of his loving arms. It has been more like the the squad's tighlty guard open secret (if there is such a thing). No one dared acknowledged it openly, but they too have been subtle enablers.  Nick and Amanda also made sure that to maintain professional distance.

Their time together however has has evolved to a level of intimacy and intensity that she too is reluctant dismiss nor acknowledge.  After getting past their bar fight slump and helping each other manage their personal dramas, here they are a year into dating and they can't seem to have enough of each other. Amanda, took a deep breath and exhaled quickly and loudly. She had to shake those sensual flashbacks off her mind. She can't possibly officially meet Zara as Nick's girlfriend wet and horny!

Right on cue, Nick's car slowly moved towards their designated meeting point. This is it, moveover meet the parents jitters, meet the daugther scare is about to take over.         

To be continued





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