Chapter 13: Caught in a moment

Start from the beginning

Ryujin had a feeling that Felix had been doing more than just throwing basketball's at walls. "Wanna swap? Chaeryeong's been crying for the past thirty minutes." She then felt a bizarre rush of emotion as she heard him laugh.

"Yeah, sure, you dodge the balls while I deal with a crying girl. With your coordination and my brilliant ways of understanding the female mind, we'll get them to settle down in no time," Hyunjin said just as sarcastic as before. Ryujin burst into laughter and he joined in.

"Okay, sure, was there a purpose to this call?" Ryujin asked calming down.

Hyunjin was silent for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to bring up what had happened.

"Yeah, there is, I was looking over the project sheet and remember how Master Ailee gave us more work to do, as a punishment? Well, we have to do that movie review on 'Pride and Prejudice'." He said and Ryujin froze as soon as she heard the words.

"Oh my God, you're right. How did I forget about that?" she gasped hitting her forehead.

"You were probably too busy arguing with me."

Ryujin could see him smirking. "Ha, ha you're hilarious. Seriously though, what are we going to do?" Suddenly she felt Chaeryeong tap her shoulder, she motioned 'one second' with her finger and returned to her conversation with Hyunjin.

"Well, there's no point in watching it tonight. Felix's already asked if I can stay the night, what about after practice tomorrow?" he sounded thoughtful.

Ryujin racked her brain, wondering if she really wanted to come up with an excuse to not see him outside of school. "Uhm, sure, that sounds okay, my house?"

Hyunjin blew out a breath. "Yeah, unless you really want to talk to my Dad."

Ryujin laughed, ignoring Chaeryeong who was now signaling for her to get off the phone. "I don't think your Dad and I would get along that well, if he's anything like his son," she teased.

"Probably not, listen Ryujjn, I've got to go, Felix just broke a window." Hyunjin now sounded worried.

"Oh, have fun." Ryujin said and Hyunjin grunted before hanging up. She sighed and hung up, she turned back to an annoyed Chaeryeong. She took one look at her friends face and knew that her best friend was about to blow her stack at her.

"Felix?" Ryujin found herself saying weakly, she then found herself watching in amazement as Chaeryeong suddenly collapsed in tears at the mere mention of Felix. For a moment she didn't know whether to laugh or to try and comfort her friend. She settled for sitting on the bed and silently stroking Chaeryeong's hair. Knowing it was going to be a long night.


For the fifth time since arriving at school, Ryujin yawned. She was so tired. She'd spent half the night up comforting Chaeryeong and trying to find out why exactly Felix had broken up with her and the other half trying to figure out what had happened with Hyunjin. Given the fact that she hadn't had enough time to think about it, Ryujin felt more confused than she had in a long time. Hyunjin was right when he had said he'd won most of the arguments. He was the only one who had ever, really beaten her in an argument and now that she thought about it maybe that was part of the reason she felt so attracted to him. He seemed to know how to beat her and, although she would never admit it out loud, he had her stumped half the time. Ryujin knew that she didn't have Hwang Hyunjin figured out and for some reason, she didn't really care that she had lost most of the arguments. If anything, every time they fought she found out more about him than she'd ever thought possible.

"Hey," Hyunjin's voice pulled Ryujin out of her thoughts and she turned to look at him. He looked as tired and worn out as she did. She made a pathetic attempt at a smile.

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