Under The Southern Cross

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I always loved Autumn on the farm, the warm colours,  the crunching of leaves under the feet coolness of the morning after the hot dry Summer. Bobby had come to get married, and I met the love of my life. We were all so happy, It seemed like those days were going to last for an eternity, and  then the world fell apart and our lives were changed forever.

The cool air gently caressed my face as my hair was gentle pushed back by the cool night breeze coming off the hill side. I stepped off the verandah and moved out from its shelter, looked up and to the left and there it was, sparkling like dimonds in black studded velvet sky.  The Southern Cross shone silently and bright. Giving  me comfort, like an old friend.

The squeaking of the door opening made me turn quickly to see my mother looking at me with concern.
" Rose, what are you doing out here get back inside" she gave me a gentle tap as I ran past  her, up the stairs, and back to my room. She followed and sat on the edge of my bed.
"What were you doing out there?"
"I was looking at the stars, do you think Bobby will miss the stars when he and Helen leave after the wedding "
She gave me a gentle smile and smoothed my hair from my face.
"Dear Rose, I think he will miss you more than the stars."
She kissed my forehead and left the room, at the door. She turned as if to say something.
"Good night Rose."
"Good night Mum."

The next morning the first thing I noticed was the sun streaming through the thin curtains of my room and hearing the horses nay as my Dad tried to break in another one. That day Mum and I were meeting Helen in town for another fitting for the wedding dress. Helen was nice, she was a strong young woman, she was full of life with golden hair  and big brown eyes. She had come from a good family. But most importantly she loved my brother. Bobby and I had always been close there was only the two of us. We were a happy family of four soon to be five.

Once we got into town Helen was already there waiting outside for our arrival.
"Helen don't  you look lovely" mum leaned forward to give Helen a small kiss on the cheek. Then it was my turn to give Helen the same. My nostrils filled with the fragrance of musk and roses that delicately fragrenced the air from her skin as I came closer.
"How nice to see you Rose." Helen took my mother's arm and led her into the dress makers shop as I followed like the diligent daughter.

I watched Mum and Helen share a moment together as I browsed the rest of the shop. Helens parents would not be sharing this moment with their daughter her father did not give his blessing, being the daughter of a Lawyer he felt she could do better than marry a farm boy.

"Rose come, stand next to me." Helen held her hand out standing in front of the mirror. I smiled and walked over to stand next to her.
"what do you think Rose.?"
"You look so beautiful."
The shop keeper fussed around the train of the dress. Heln placed her arm around my waist, she looked at me in the mirror and said.
"One day Rose someone will come along and love you so much it will make your heart skip a beat" she glowed with joy and a smile that was contagious.

That night Helen stayed in town to be closer to the Church. While we all spent our last night together as a family. Bobby's best friend Joseph was also over that night. I was in the kitchen doing dishes from dinner when he came into the kitchen.

His frame filled the door way. At  six foot he was a good inch taller than me. His sandy blonde hair was in contrast to my raven black mop of curls that was always up. It was that night that the electricity between us began.
"I....uh thought I could help you with dishes but you seem to of finished them, seems I'm a bit late."
" oh no your a guest you shouldn't be doing dishes." he hesitated before continuing.
" Your Rose, Bobby's little sister?"
"Yes, did you wait till we sat through dinner together to ask me that."
His cheeks reddened with embarassment at the silly question but he recovered quickly.
" He said you were a bit cheeky."
" Is that right and what else did he say."
" He said you ride horses and you are everything but a lady. "
I playfully raised the dishcloth to throw at him. He grabbed my wrist in mid air to prevent from getting wet. His sexy little smile lit up his face, electricity  surged between us and our eyes locked for what seemed like hours.
" We should probably join the other's out on the verandah." I said breaking the spell and hoping that he couldn't tell how breathless I had become. With out taking his eyes off me he answered.
" Yes, your probably right." his head started lowering to mine. Then the moment was broken as Bobby came barrelling into the kitchen and suddenly stopped when he saw the scene in front of him.
" Did I interrupt something?."
Embarrassed of what I was feeling I left huriddly for the coolness of the night air.
"Jo what's going on?"
" Nothing...... Nothing mate."
"Oh my God you like her."  Boby moved around to see Jo's face.
" That's my sister, my kid sister" Jo looked at Bobby in the eyes and said
" She is no kid.". Bobby couldn't hold it any longer his laughter bubbled out like water from a fountain.
"You have my blessing, Jo...... But mate that's my sister."
they walked out of the kitchen laughing. Throwing playful punches at each other.

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