Finding Home

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The sun shone down, reflecting off the endless blue water to warm her skin. She was gradually getting a golden glow. She loved the look of sun kissed skin and the look loved her.

The sand buried itself in between her toes, burning her skin but she didn’t care. She was too happy. Her feet had been moving her towards the water’s edge automatically, like it was second nature, which it once had been. The cool water was a relief to her boiling feet, but she kept walking until it reached her shoulders. She had always loved water; it made her feel at home. Something she didn’t feel often.

Her blinding white sundress floated around her as she turned to view her perfect place: the place she hadn’t seen in such a long time.

She took in the view that was laid out before her. The lush, dense forest could be seen in the distance. You could just hear the small chatting of the birds that lived there. The dirt trail she had walked ran through a field of wild flowers. The eye catching purple, yellow and white mass of crocuses, begonias and rag weed stood tall, as if proud they caught her eye once again. Rag weed had always been a flower she loved; the simplicity reminded her of just how straightforward and effortless everything used to be. How most people hated it she didn’t know?

She watched a scene play out before her. A mum was sitting on a red and blue silky picnic blanket, squashing the flowers near the water’s edge, laughing at her husband. He was spinning a young toddler around by her waist. She was screaming every time he brought her effortlessly to his chest blowing a raspberry on her stomach where her top has risen. The scene changed into the toddler running along holding hands with her mum being chased by her dad, pretending to be a monster. They were weaving in between the flowers laughing a smiling.

She turned her back to the scene, she’d felt the feeling that she had been looking for. The sensation of being content, of being whole once again. A smile crept onto her face as she slowly continued into the water, letting it engulf her.

Finding HomeWhere stories live. Discover now