Story Of Eternity.

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Her story was interrupted yet again by Bjorn who had turned on to his side and was looking straight at her "Who knew that in our older years we'd have our most erotic experiences Anna? That dressing room encounter was the stuff of legend" "You remember it?" Anna asked curiously "I absolutely do, every second of it" Bjorn confirmed "But you said you had memory issues" she was confused. Bjorn moved onto his back and grasped her hand again "I don't remember much about the ABBA years baby, I struggle with dates and appointments. I need my phone for that and a diary. I remember you in ABBA and I know we went to say Philadephia but I don't remember it specifically, I remember the music but sometimes I can't remember the recording sessions and when we did what. I don't remember stuff I used to" "Bjorn darling, it's 40 years ago. I can't remember Philadephia either but I know I've been there. We did so many who knows where the hell we were. I can't remember which recording sessions went with which song, I remember them but tying them down to each day and each song Bjorn never" Anna told him "what else?" she enquired "I can't remember birthdays anymore, I want to remember more about our marriage because I know that I was at the happiest point in my life but its all foggy" Anna's heart pitter pattered but she focused for the moment "but Bjorn, its so long ago" "I bet you remember it all" he interrupted "Maybe more than you, but not all of it Bjorn. Baby it just isn't possible to remember every part of every day, you're too hard on yourself. Who told you that you have memory loss? Which doctor? Maybe you should go again and get a check up. I read something that there is exercises you can do, like brain training" there was a silence and the tension emanating from Bjorn was palpable "What's wrong?" Anna asked softly "I haven't been to a doctor Anna. I feel it, Lena forever tells me I'm going senile, that I'm old or useless. She tells me over and over that I've forgotten stuff or that she's told me a million times. It bothers her and she makes my life miserable. I'm old and my memory is shot, I'm terrified of what they might say especially now" he shared quietly. "Bjorn, I don't think there's anything wrong with you other than you try to pack your poor head with too much but if there is then we'll deal with it together. I don't see anything unusual in how you deal with life. When did we get married?" she threw the question at him out of the blue and he answered without thinking "July 6th 71" "when was Linda born?" "February 10th 73" "when did we win Eurovision?" "April 6th 74. Day after your birthday" Bjorn didn't falter "baby that's all over 40 years ago and you didn't even hesitate" she was even reassured herself "we'll work on it though" she said robustly "I think you've just overloaded" "but.." he mumbled "I don't bloody care what Lena says. I say it as I see it but if there is an issue we'll manage, you're alive and you're here and that's all that's important. We'll deal with whatever comes. I'll be your memory and you might have to be my legs" she giggled. "what's wrong with your legs?" Bjorn was distracted "Nothing, I'm teasing but I do have arthritis in my knees and ankles, sometimes it hurts but that's me being old too, we neither of us are as young as we were" she chuckled "I'm certainly not the worlds sexiest woman anymore" "That rather depends who you're talking to" Bjorn said feelingly. "Can we talk about something else for a while? Finish the story for me baby and then I want to talk again" Anna could see he was tiring "I just want to close my eyes and hear your voice again but I want you here with me not sat there" tears sprang to her eyes as she realised he was searching for the safety they'd both felt when he was sleeping, he was scared too and her heart melted there and then and she wasted no time easing her way into his side. She smiled at his hum of contentment and draped her arm over his waist and started the story once again.

Bjorn's phone rang while Anna was still wrapped around him and he'd cleared his throat before answering it. Anna had been delighted to detect a wobble in his voice as he spoke to the theatre manager, they had swept the theatre and he could not be found, the building was empty except for theatre staff and their new car was waiting outside one of the fire exits not the stage door. Bjorn was told to come out and security would escort them to the car and they'd notified the hotel who would have security waiting for them. Anna had slid down his body and made herself decent, she then set about making Bjorn decent while he ended the conversation. The heated glance that he sent her told her that she wasnt helping but she carried on anyway and actually by the time he clicked the phone off she'd made a pretty decent job "Anna, I swear when I get you somewhere safe and no one knows where we are, you won't be able to walk for a week. Do you understand me?" he growled grumpily "I understand totally, let's hope you can keep your promise" she bounced back at him saucily

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