I Don't Hardly Know Her, But I Think I Could Love Her

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The weekend of their album release finds the band in New York City.

"Thank you so much, you've been an incredible audience. Our record 'Reputation' is in stores now! This is our last song for tonight. It's called Townie, move your feet and sing along if you know it!"

Taylor is giving it her all as usual. By the end of the set all the band members are drenched in sweat and exhausted. The small venue is packed, and it is one of the last hot days of a lingering summer. Nevertheless, everyone has a big smile on their face. Karlie watches Taylor perform the song from behind her drums. She feels proud – the song is a songwriting collaboration between herself and Brendon, for a change, and Taylor performs it flawlessly.

"That was a good show. Congratulations on the album release, too." Karlie spins around at hearing the familiar voice. She almost drops her cocktail glass. Following her gig, she is sitting at the bar, waiting for Taylor to return from the bathroom. She takes in the woman standing in front of her. She is tall and blonde, but it is not Taylor.

"Toni." Karlie's voice is low and she does her best to hide her surprise.

"What are you doing here?"

"I moved to NYC last year. You would know that if you read my letters." Toni lifts her chin.

Karlie takes a sip of her cocktail. Her thoughts wander to the last letter from Toni that she had received. It had gone straight from the mailbox into the trash can. Karlie is over her.

Toni places her hand on Karlie's thigh and leans close. "I read about Taylor Swift joining your band, so I had to come see for myself. You sound good."

"Thanks." Karlie says quietly. She doesn't know what to do. Her mind is already clouded from the alcohol and the joint she shared backstage with Derek.

Someone clears their throat next to them. Toni looks up and grins. Taylor is standing there. Karlie opens her mouth to speak, but Toni beats her to it.

"You're Taylor Swift, right? Big fan. I'm Toni."

She reaches out her hand. Taylor looks at Karlie but shakes Toni's hand.

"How do you know Karlie?" Taylor furrows her brow.

"Oh," Toni laughs. "I'm an old acquaintance."

Karlie groans and rubs her temple. Toni looks Taylor up and down, then sits down on the bar stool originally occupied by Taylor. She makes no move to leave them alone anytime soon. Karlie feels lost and looks at Taylor helplessly, but the singer's eyes are glued to Toni.

"So," Toni starts and a mischievous glint appears in her eyes. She reaches into the pocket of her leather jacket and pulls out a small tin can. She looks around before opening it.

Taylor gasps when she sees the pills.

"I thought we could have some fun tonight." Toni smirks.

Taylor avoids her gaze and looks at Karlie. Karlie, however, is staring at the pills in the palm of Toni's hand. Her heart is beating out of her chest. She tries to resist the pull she feels towards them, like a wave of nostalgia washing over her. She tunes out the loud noises of the bar and Taylor's questioning eyes.

Toni places a hand on Karlie's arm, then looks at Taylor again.

"You could join us if you want to. We'll be hitting the dance floor soon."

Taylor's lips are pressed into a hard line. Toni swallows one pill with a sip of Karlie's cocktail. She stretches out her hand to Karlie. Time seems to stand still for a moment. Then Karlie takes a pill and swallows it, reaching for her cocktail. Taylor stays there, frozen in place.

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