Put Another Dime In The Jukebox, Baby

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There are not many things in her life that Karlie has put an extraordinary amount of effort in. Simply put, she hates being told what to do, and oftentimes she finds herself just not caring enough. An exception is her band. Her band that she somehow ended up in a few years ago with her best friend and three other guys she actually finds tolerable. They're successful enough to barely make it a living, yet not known enough to get picked up by the radio. But that just means there's less pressure and more freedom, and Karlie likes it that way.

When all of that changes out of the blue one Saturday morning, she doesn't even try to conceal her resentment.

"Are you serious?" Karlie groans and slouches down the couch a little more. Her feet are carelessly thrown over the coffee table. She's tired and hungover from the night before, her hair in a messy ponytail.

Everyone in the room turns towards her, eyebrows raised.

Jack clears his throat. "Yes, I'm being serious, and it's already decided. Taylor Swift will join your band to produce one album and one tour." The producer gives Karlie a stern look.

No ifs, no maybes. He knows the music they are going to make will be good, he knows the album will be successful, and he knows the tour will sell out. If he wants it to happen, it will happen.

"Well, thanks for asking us", Karlie says sarcastically and pushes the couch table a little with her feet.

Todrick, who is sitting next to her, puts a hand on her arm. "It will be alright. I think it's awesome! She's so far out and we can get so much more exposure from collaborating with her, just think about it!"

Karlie only rolls her eyes. Brendon and Derek nod. "We're going to learn so much from her! Her songwriting is unbelievable. Why aren't you excited, Karlie?"

"Okay, okay, I get it." Karlie crosses her arms in front of her chest. "I just don't like her. I admire her hard work and her success, I guess, but her perfect girl image annoys the shit out of me. It's like everyone loves her these days and it's a sacrilege to find her annoying. I turn off the radio every time that goddamn 'Sparks Fly' song comes on."

"Hey, watch your mouth, Karlie. That's my sister you're talking about!" Austin, who had been quietly observing until now, chimes in.

"How could I ever forget that Taylor Swift is your sister, you only mention it five times a day! She wouldn't even know or care about our band otherwise, either" Karlie huffs. Her feet push the couch table a little bit further, and the cups of coffee standing on it shake dangerously.

Jack leans forward from behind his desk. "Don't spill the coffee on my carpet, Karlie, or I'll have you clean this whole office!"

The other guys are simply watching the exchange. Karlie finally sits up properly, yet still annoyed.

"Taylor will join your band practice in two days, so you better make sure you can play your own songs flawlessly until then. And if you have any ideas for new songs, write them down and see what you can work on together with Taylor. I expect a positive attitude from everyone" Jack says and gives Karlie another pointed look at the last sentence.

Karlie and her bandmates hum in agreement, and then they are dismissed. As soon as they're out the door, Karlie lights a cigarette to calm herself down. She trails behind the others who are already heading over towards the next-door building for practice, and puffs out a ring of smoke and annoyance.


"Hey, I'm Taylor!" The cheerful voice fills the room and all eyes dart towards the door.

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