Welcome Home

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**Mary's boyfriend (James)'s POV**

I start racing my way back to my house to check on my girl since that asshole defiantly called the cops on us most likely. That stupid fucking bitch.... She better hope I go down in a blaze of fire because I am going to make her pay for what she is doing to me and her mother. We weren't that bad she just got what she deserved... they will all see soon enough. I turn the corner to where my street is and immediately see that something is wrong more quickly then I expected it to be. I see Mary racing down the street waving me down in a panic. I stop my old truck suddenly and she jumps in rather quickly and just say the words "drive pass the house as normal as possible don't pay much attention we need to go." I nod and do as she says. As we get closer to our home I see two police cars with four cops at our front door, and one of them just broke in our door. I make my way to the other end of our street without getting any attention and quickly turn off our street.

"Why the fuck is the police at our door James!" Mary asks me with anger in her voice. "Your stupid fucking daughter somehow found her biological dad, and he called the fucking cops on us. Did not expect them to get there that fast though. Was just coming back home to tell you." I said trying to get through the stupid LA traffic. Her eyes widen though and she says "How the fuck did Christian find out about her. I never told him that I was even pregnant." She says as I roll my eyes at her stupidity. "You told her remember idiot." I say remembering that it was her fault that this happen in the first place. She sighs in defeat and changes the subject "Where are we even going anyway?" "Well I have a few buddies in Utah, so we are going to stay there until the manhunt for us is calmed down a lot more, and then we will get our revenge on that bitch for doing this to us." I say with a slight grin on my face. She gives me a devilish grin also and holds my hand as we drive down the highway exiting LA.

**CC's POV**

As we wait for Jinxx to come assist us with a car seat I teach Rebel how to play a few hand games like paddy cake and bubble gum. We were right in the middle of playing paddy cake when I see Jinxx's car approaching from in the distance. "Come on honey let's play some more games later. There is someone here I want you to meet." I say getting myself off of the ground and dusting my pants off. She nods in agreement and stands up also. I pick her up and place her on the side of my hip. We start walking over to where Jinxx has his car parked behind mine. He gives me a look like 'oh boy this will be good.' He gets out of the car and the only thing I could think was oh shit here we go. He looks at me surprised and ready for an explanation as he walks over. Rebel just stares at him trying to figure out who he is. "Who is this little one CC?" he asks smiling at Rebel and then heading to get the car seat out of his car. "Well.... this is my daughter Rebel, and Rebel this is your Uncle Jinxx. He is one of my really close friends." I say excitedly with a hint of fear to what his reaction will be. Rebel waves at Jinxx and smiles a little. Jinxx is surprised but I know he will want more info as he tries to not let it show with little Rebel around. "Well hello there little Rebel aren't you cute." he says as he waves at her. "Do you mind staying near Uncle Jinxx so I can get your car seat in my car honey?" I ask Rebel to make sure she is comfortable. She gives me a nod and I set her down. Right after I do she quickly runs to Jinxx. He picks her up and begins talking to her a little. I walk over to where the car seat is and take it over to the back seat of my car. I take it out and start fighting with it. I do not understand why they are so hard to put in a car for me. After fighting with it for about five minutes I look over to check on Jinxx and Rebel. I see Jinxx tickling her as she squeals in happiness and laughter, I smile at how great he is with her and continue to fight with the stupid fucking car seat.

After what felt like 20 minutes I was done and got the stupid car seat figured out. I motion for Jinxx to bring Rebel to the car and so he does. After he gets over here I take Rebel and set her in the car seat. I get her all buckled in and ready for the journey home. I kiss her head and she smiles at me happily before laying her head on the back part of the car seat. I smile at her and ruffle her hair before shutting the door of the back seat to talk to Jinxx. I turn around and Jinxx just looks at me with a confused yet resting face and just says "explain." without much emotion in his voice. I sigh and start explaining my story on how I got here in only a few hours. "Well it all started when I caught Tiffany cheating on me when I came over tonight. I got pissed and broke up with her because I have had enough of her drama and issues. I stormed out of her apartment and decided it would be smart to walk around and clear my head a little before going home. To not give attitude or murder someone by accident in the car. I ended up in the sketcher part of LA somehow and I heard little footsteps coming my way. After a few second Rebel appeared all alone. Knowing how dangerous those streets are I tried to figure out what was going on. Turns out that my ex Mary and her boyfriend- " "Hold up. That Mary bitch is her mom?" Jinxx asks cutting me off. I nod and all he does is roll his eyes since he and everyone else hated Mary. "Anyway she was getting abused by Mary and her boyfriend, and she told me I was her real dad. The timeline matched but I got an emergency DNA test just to make sure and it was. Now I am her legal guardian and the assholes should be on there way to the police station by now." I finish it leaving out what they did to her since I was already getting angry reliving that pain all over again. Jinxx nods finally understanding the whole situation and says "Okay I'll let the other know you got some big news and some life changes that you need to talk to them about and gather them all to get into the living room." I nod and say "Give me a few minutes I need to get things like PJ, a outfit for tomorrow, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, and a hairbrush plus a few toys so that she can get through tonight and go shopping tomorrow." He nods in agreement and heads to his car saying "Just text me when you are coming home." I give him a thumbs up and start heading to my car before Jinxx stops me once more by saying "and CC." I look up at him as he says "watch your language around her. We don't need her talking like a sailor before she's in elementary school." I laugh and nod and he smiles and gets in his car and I get into mine. I look at Rebel who is just smiling away and looking around after I get my seatbelt on and car started. I couldn't help but smile at this change as I type on the GPS on my phone for the nearest Target.

CC's PrincessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora