The beginning

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Coast off germany- 2047
Brendan sat, tied up by a rope to a mast, before a man punched hom "thats the second time i have had to reclaim my property" "it belongs in a muesem" brendan said to the man. "So do you, throw him overboard" the man said before getting kicked in the balls by brendan, who had just been untied, he ran grabbed the cube, and jumped overboard into a fallen life ring just as the boat exploded.....
Western north Carolina, unknown university
"The natives believed that 7 would have to die before the treasure could be found" brendan said just as the bell rang "tomorrow lecture on the ancient middle east" he said to the leaving class "i have it kaden i have the cube" brendan said to kaden, who was a museum owner in asheville, held the cube and said "perfect", just then 2 government employees walked in, "good afternoon, mr boreth." We need your help, one said, before handing him a paper, "thats a sangivs transmission, "head piece, staff of Ra, ark, tanais, what does it mean" the employee said "its the ark of the covenant, SF wants it" brendan said allowed "why?" Kaden asked, "because of its destructive power, have you people read the bible, that thing is equivalent to an ancient nuke, only problem, is the ark is buried at tanais, the staff of ra has a headpiece, which is placed on the staff, then placed in a map room at a certain point at a certain time of day, the problem is tanais was buried in sand according to legend"
Brendan said, "and if Sangvis want it, they want it for its power, with that thing they could take control of europe, and thats not good for us" brendan continued "then you will find it, mr boreth" the employee said, "kaden, pack your things, we are headed to Nepal, to see an old friend" brendan said
Nepalese mountains
M16 sat at the bar, drinking jack daniels, before noticing someone sat down next to her. She didnt care, quite normal. Before hearing 3 gunshots and ducking down, she looked up "SF, son of a bitch they followed me" M16 grabbed her rifle and fired back, before being grabbed from behind and disarmed. "Good evening, miss 16" a woman said "the headpiece, where is it" she continued "i dont know shit dreamer, thats why am here, same prize"16 said before dreamer grabbed her gun and and gunshot was heard, and dreamer ran, "let her go." Brendan said, holding up his .45 colt, the SF agents ran, M16 said "who the hell are you" "your ticket to living" brendan replied "you seen the owner of this place" he continued, "no, they disappeared 2 years ago, rumor has it they had some kind of artifact that sangvis needed "would that be this"brendan said holding up the headpiece, it was gold, with inscriptions, with an off centered crystal and hole "where'd you find that?"M16 said puzzled, "under a table" brendan replied "why, you work for Sangvis or something" brendan continued "no, Griffin and Kreyger, my name is M16" M16 said "so that t-doll company is after the ark too" kaden said "while yes and no, we are just trying stop Sangvis from getting it." M16 said, "we were sent to find it by the US government, our now disappeared bar owner, was a good friend of ours" kaden stated."we should head to Cairo, its the closest possible place to the believe location of the ark" brendan said.

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