I nodded and looked over at Liam, "You heard about it before I was awake - right?"

"Yeah, I was there when you f-"

"Victoria Green?" A female voice called out from the doorway.

I raised my hand slightly, "That's me."

"The doctor has issued a few more tests on you before you are discharged." The nurse then turned to my mum, "Are you the mother?"

She nodded, "Yes I am."

"Is there a father present?"

One stab into the heart - thank you so much nurse.

"No." My mother answered, a somewhat sad and angry glint in her eyes.

The nurse nodded, "Okay then Victoria - you'll just be taken down to the examine room by wheelchair. Wait there, I'll bring one."



"Why not?"


"C'mon Victoria - face your fears!"

"It's not a fear!"

Liam scoffed, "Sure." He said sarcastically.

"Look Liam, not wanting to see or even talk to Louis it is not a fear," I reasoned, crossing my arms over my chest, "I just don't want the feelings back."

He shook his head and sighed, "It's whatever Victoria. Besides, I need to get back to the hotel. I'll call you sometime?"

I nodded as watched as he got out of the car before calling his name. He turned around and slowly walked the few feet back to the passenger side of my car and I rolled down the window, smiling at him.

"One problem idiot," I said and he raised his eyebrows, "I don't have your number."

He laughed and I handed him my phone where he punched in his number and then handed it back to me with a small smile on his face. I smiled a thanks to him before rolling the window back up and wiggling my fingers in a bye gesture.

"He seems like a nice boy."

I shrugged, "Yeah but there's one problem mum."

"And what is that?"

I looked out the window and sighed, "He's too close to Louis."


Louis' P.O.V (Since you all requested it - but I wasn't going to write a WHOLE Louis P.O.V chapter.)

"Fuck man." I swore, leaning to the side pressing the B button on my wii remote.

"You're going down you little cunt!" Niall said, rapidly pressing the A button.

A few seconds later he whooped in victory and I slumped in my seat on the hotel sofa. I know - I suck at video games. I swear, sometimes I don't feel like a guy since I can't even play a freaking bloody video game and win! Even the princess video games I would play with my sister, I would always do something wrong and end up loosing the game.

"My life," I muttered to myself, shaking my head.

Niall chuckled and slapped me on the back, "It's alright mate - at least your better at singing than you are at video games."

He Wasn't A Jerk Before (He Wasn't A Jerk #2)Where stories live. Discover now