John's house

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A year later Chloe and John were still friends. They spent everyday together no matter what the weather. They played soccer in the park, went on adventures, played in the fort and played games like tag. They went to school together and were in the same class, if they had have a partner they would pick eachother. They both sat in the fort talking about little things.

"Do you want to come over to my house my moms made cookies and my dad isn't home?" John asked.

"Sure but I havn't met your mommy yet" Chloe stated.

"So?" John asked.

"Won't your mommy telly you I'm not aloud?" Chloe tilted her head.

"No way come on" John said standing up.

"Okay" Chloe agreed and John held out his hand helping her up.

"And stop saying Mommy and Daddy that's baby stuff" John said as the pair made their way out of the fort and through the bushes.

"Your a baby" Chloe told him.

"Am not" John denied trying to sound tough.

"Are too" Chloe stuck her tounge out at him.

"I'm a month older than you so if I'm a baby that makes you one" John smartly said.

"Shut up" Chloe laughed gently pushing him to the side. John laughed and gently pushed her back.

"Where do you live?" Chloe asked.

"In a house" John replied sarcastically.

"You know what I ment" Chloe laughed.

"Down here I'll show ya" John said leading her to the Merrill Household.

"Here" John said standing infront of his driveway. "Let's go inside" John said leading her to the front door. He opened the door and both of them stepped in wiping there feet on the welcome mat. They walked straight ahead into the kitchen where Johns mother had just finished making cookies. "Hi mom" John welcomed his mother with a huge smile on his face and a hug.

"Is this the girl you've been telling me about?" His mother asked making John's face turn red.

"Mom!" He said still smiling.

"Both of you take a seat at the table and I'll put out a plate of cookies" John's mother smiled.

"Thank you Mrs Merrill that's really nice of you" Chloe said as she took a seat at the table with John.

"Its my pleasure after all your all John talks about" She said making John turn red again.

"Mom your embarassing me" John said in the nicest way possible.

"I'm sorry sweet heart" His mother smiled as she placed the plate of cookies down and gave John a kiss on the head.

"Thanks mom" John said taking a cookie.

"Could you go get your brother John?" She asked.

"Okay mom" He replied as he got off the chair and out the kitchen. He ran up the stairs and knocked on the first door on the right that had a giant sighn hanging from it saying: 'Jocko's room enter at own risk' The door was a bit broke from when Jnr Merrill got angry and slammed Jocko into it last week. All the doors and walls were the same either broke or had one or more holes in them some both. Jocko answered the door and looked down at John.

"What the fuck do you want wet-end I'm busy" Jocko spat. Jocko had dark black hair he kept in curls and peircing green eyes.

"Don't talk to me like that and mom made cookies you've to come down and get some" John spat back looking at his brother in disgust.

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