Another Day, Another Job.

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              They had moved far enough away from where Vagus had fled, so they presumed it was safe to open up Tenues Spatium for buisiness again.  Mark started to instruct Vagus on what his  duties would be for his time at the bar.  Nothing too complicated, because Mark will remain the main bartender while Vagus works with the beer, completing the simple tasks like opening new cases, wiping leftover foam off the finished mugs and pouring fresh liquor into new ones.

               However, they remained in the fantasty multiverse, because recently their supplies of fine wine and liquor had begun to run dry, so they needed to stop by their suppliers at the Boars' Hat. While Vagus took in the fresh stock,  making sure it was all there, Markus was in the front keeping an eye on the steady flow of customers when one person caught his eye.

               A cheerful looking person in a buttercup yellow light armour set with bird motifs used sparingly across the surface, a leather belt with potion bottles containing mysterious, bubbling  liquids hanging at her side.  She strolled in with a confident smile on her face, then slid onto a stool like she owned the place, and ordered a glass of tequila and motioned that she wanted to speak to Mark.

              He poured the lady's drink, while checking  that the rest of the customers were happy with their drinks, sad with their drinks, or mad with their drinks, just as long as they had their drinks.  She took a sip and gave a cursory nod of satisfaction. Smirking  while she spoke, "So, you're the poor sap who 'borrowed' the watch huh?"

            Vagus looked up, startled. "What do you mean?  I am not the person your looking for, if someone truly stole your watch, as you said."

              Buttercup frowned and slammed her glass down on the bar. "Don't play dumb with me, I know you did. But that's beside the point, it's not why I'm here.  I am here to speak to the owner, about business that is my own. What makes me curious is that the person who runs this place usually takes on people more experienced than you. By the way you served those people, you have had some instruction, but not actually training. What makes you, a wanted criminal, who most definitely did not steal any sort of watch, the perfect new hire?" She jabbed her finger at his chest.

           He brushed off where she touched him and "I fail to see why you need to know, but I was wandering around inbetween jobs, and happened upon this place. I spoke to the guy that runs this joint, and he offered me a temporary place here."

                Leaning back slightly on the bar stool she finished off her glass, and sent for another as Mark walked out from the back storage room dusting off his hands, saying "Alright, we now have a full stock of food and drink, next we will head over to Glendale and stick around for a bit, they have about a week of festivities planned, and pardon me but who are you?"

               "My name is Emily, and I want your help with a project of mine that requires me to use a pub that I know well. Does that sound like something you can do, or must I go elsewhere?"

                Sighing, Mark leaned on the bar counter replying in an exasperated tone, "Sure, one more weird thing to add to my day, but what's in it for me? The way you phrased your question makes it sound like this 'job' is dubious in nature, so I need more details than that if I am to accept your offer."

             Emily smiled.  "There is not too much different about this job than anything else you do on a regular basis, I just need you to take your lovely bar over to an ordinary fantasy world in about a month. There is a particular group of people there that make quite a nusciance of them selves, and I want them gone. They have a holiday on that world that celebrates the dwarven god Tekkun, god of crafts and alcohol. It lasts for about three days, during which those who celebrate the holiday will participate in drinking the finest alcohol they can find, while offering some to Tekkun in hopes he will bless them with skill in their crafts. Due to the well established reputation of your pub, I am sure plenty inhabitants will visit and partake in your wares. Your liquor should loosen their lips enough for me to get what I need to know in order to break up their little ring. This works both ways, you get a popular few nights of business, and I get the information I need to get rid of some troublemakers before they move from annoyances to a much bigger issue. What do you say, is it a deal?"

            Mark thought for a bit, then asked, "What is the risk of damage to my establishment? While I am no stranger to fights in my pub, I prefer to avoid them if possible, plus my new hire has just started working, so jumping right into busy nights might not be the best thing for him to do. Will you pay for any damage that occurs as a resulf of your actions? If you can agree to that, then we have a deal."

            Vagus spoke up, " I think I have a decent grasp on what to do, and this is still about a month away, anything else I need to learn and practice I can get done in time. Plus, this criminal group you spoke of, do you mind sharing what you learn? I have some similar issue I need to deal with, so starting on a smaller scale as a dry run would be beneficial. I propose new terms, you get to use this pub for information gathering, and you teach me what you know about this organization you mentioned, maybe they have heard of my group through their contacts. You will be gathering the information here anyway, this just means you tell me what I may have missed because I was attending my job. Sounds fair, Mark and Emily?"

              Emily thought about it for a second, then nodded. " Not too much extra work for me, plus I still get what I want, sure I agree to your terms. But I teach you after the job is done, can't teach you what I don't know." 

             Mark added, " That sounds fine, just try not to make too much of a mess. Which world are we headed to anyway, you never said?"


Whelp, you found the end of the chapter. Thanks for reading this far and for putting up with my procrastination on getting a new chapter out. I will try to stick to a schedule and put out another one on each weekend, or everyother depending on how busy I get. Hope you liked it, and stay safe out there.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2020 ⏰

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