Why, oh why did this have to happen on St. Patty's Day?

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It was a quiet Wensday morning, and Mark was cleaning his multiverse traveling pub, Tenues Spatium, for what was known as 'booze hour'. He ran down his checklist of what still needed to be done and double-checked to make sure the special food available ONLY on St. Patty's Day was in stock. Then Mark bended over to look at the cups to make sure they were all clean.

All of a sudden, a blast of frigid air burst from the doorway as said door swung open, and a cloaked stranger stumbled over the doorstep.

Before Mark could complain over what that stranger had just done only a few hours before his pub was due to open on possibly their busiest night of the year, the stranger started to mutter under their breath. 

"They found me. I don't know how they found me, but they found me," then the figure paused, took a deep breath, and turned to Mark, continuing in a concise manner.

"Please hide me and I will hand you the keys to the multiverse."

Mark sighed and paused a moment before speaking his mind.

"Why should I help you? You break in and trash the place two hours before opening on St.Patty's day, and you expect me to help you? I don't need the keys to the multiverse. I just need a clean pub, customers, and no ketchup shortages. Now, unless you can clean this place up in less than a hour, please leave this establishment immediately."  

              The unusual visitor opened and closed their mouth and tried to reply when the door he had just passed through started to vibrate. The door continued to shake as it started to speak in the voice of a tired office worker. 

"Hello Mr. Grent, we believe a dangerous criminal has hidden himself in your pub.  If you would like to remain in operation, ...PLEASE... open this door before I have to open it for you. We will identify the criminal and you will continue on your day. Thank you and have a nice one."

Mark thought about it for a split second, and then quietly walked behind the counter, pressing a button underneath it. It was this button that triggered an old, worn engine that sent the Tenues Spatium spinning through the multiverse, away from whatever universe the stranger's pursuers had come from.  

After they had settled in a new pocket of the cosmos, Mark sat down, poured himself a flagon of beer, and looked expectantly at the stranger for him to tell his story.

The stranger pulled back his cloak, reavealing a pair of pointed ears.

"My name is Vagus. I am an Elven mercenary, and those people you saved me from were after my scrawny hide because of this."

The Elf strugled with his cloak for a momet as he pulled an ordinary-looking watch out of his pocket.

"The multiverse watch. As you most likely know, currently to travel around the multiverse you need a large space, like your pub, or a large space within a small space, kind of like the Tardis. This is one of the selective number of personal sized divices for multiversal travel, and a... "

Vagus seemed to struggle with a discripton.

" A... a morally corrupt organization wanted it for themselves so they could conquer their neighbors. I disagreed with their plans, so I shrunk my lab and workshop, and ran for Tenues Spatium as fast as my legs could carry me."

Mark pondered for a minute squinting at Vagus, but then replied with a snarky look on his face, 

"Why did you think I would help you?  And if your watch can travel any where in the multiverse, why didn't you USE it to get away?"

Vagus passionately declared that Mark was known far and wide for his honor and courage. Mark couldnt help rolling his eyes at the disription. He was NOT usully dscribed as honorable OR courageous.

 Vagus continued to talk about how he knew Mark would not turn away a person in need of help, and all about how the watch had a limited number of uses per charge. He continued rambling on and on about how he did not have a chance to recharge it before he fled.  

Mark accepted this explanation without further questioning, despite many questions not being answered, and decided to have Vagus work at Tenues Spatium as manual labor for a time as they decided how to keep this strange, useful, but also incredibly dangerous (its a watch) artifact out of the wrong hands.

                Thanks for reading! Leave any questions, concerns, or suggestions in the comments.  I do not own the Tardis from Dr. Who, but I do own my ocs, so if you want to use one of them let me know first.  The music video is how I picture future craziness going on.  I probably made a ton of mistakes that I did not catch, so please tell me if you find any!  Have a nice existance!


Note from the most beloved editor Sunglassespanda:

Thank you for reading this rather average... thing... that has been corrected and edited by me to make it to the average level without completely changing the storyline. There is only so far you can go with good editing, really. What matters most is that the author tried. That is all I can say. Thanks for reading... 


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